Although you will see me cry, rest assured these tears are full of life, joy, and memories. WebGraduation Letter to My Daughter from Mom Dear little girl, We trust in you. Good luck with what the future holds., #15. How to Find Automated Web Testing Company in 2023, Best Data Rooms with Exclusive Features to Review, How to Sell a House in the Current Market & Get a Good Financial Deal. Graduating from nursing school is probably one of the best feelings ever. We almost lost you to RSV as a baby. Thank you very much for your consideration. You have become a graduate today. Having you as our son, Gage is another term for 'living'. Brandon you are officially a high school graduate. Forgive us when we stop and stare and tears fall from our eyes. That is a profound gift of honor to every teacher, friend and relative that sowed into your life; and to yourself. After watching the school you loved burn, your heart broke, but you rallied behind your school motto, We shall rise. You came back stronger and more determined to accomplish your goals. This is not how I imagined this year for you. I was in labor with you for 11 hours and when you finally made your grand entrance into this world I waited anxiously to hear your first cry. Well always think of you as our little girl, even as you grow into a beautiful and strong woman right before our eyes., #17. Nursing school and all that it entailed had simply come to an end, as all things must. But I learned quickly that you were not usually looking for me to give you a solution or fix your problem, you just wanted me to listen. 4 Articles Your family loves you to the moon and back. I feel like the proud sister over here. Guide them for a life which is waiting for them after graduation. You have given up so much over the years, and we wish with ALL that we are, that we could give you back your senior year, your prom, graduation, and the seemingly simpler moments that you ache for. I remember camp outs, Pinewood Derbys, family vacationsand holidays. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. Through all your trials and tribulations, you can truly say you made it and you done. WebGraduation Letter to My Daughter from Mom Dear little girl, We trust in you. Congratulations, happy graduating!, #5. You have many more great things ahead of you. Even once you made it to first and second grades and all the way to fifth grade, I still dropped you off with a lump in my throat. Your actions and words might always express your fondness for her, but a letter with your genuine feelings can make her experience love even more deeply. Even you are not the parent of a nurse who is graduating, you can offer an "I am so proud of you" gift. We generally have. I pray that you always reach your goals in life and continue to do great things. Who wouldve thought that Marchwould be the end of your senior year. Regrets are the worst things one could ever have- let others' experience be the tool to guide you, but let the final decisions be yours! All decisions have consequences. It has been such a pleasure watching you grow up. Thank you, darling, for making me proud today. Congratulations! And though you may see me cry on this day, rest assured the tears are full of life, joy and memories. Your achievements throughout the years have always been joyous and filled with love, laughter, and tears. Download Template : (pdf, docs, ODT, RTF, txt, HTML, Epub, Etc). As your parents, we couldnt be prouder. Nurse Barton uttered words that speak to the diligence, education, compassion, and love that are required of a nurse and words that make me think of you: Congratulations, Bre, and know that I am, now and always, You handle this. You spent many years as a choral member, saxophone player, and as a member of the Alabama Christian Academy Marching Band. Always remember that youre extraordinary, smart and kind. Congratulations Nursing School Graduate Custom Nam. There is just one suggestion that I might want to give you. You said, "I'll try if I can, but Ill have to grow up maybe." Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. Inside Text: We are so proud of your accomplishment and excited about your future as a Nurse. I always knew you are made for And with every milestone that comes throughout elementary school, middle school, high school, there remained a lump in my throat. You should be so proud. Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far up you already came. WebCongratulations Nurse Graduation, diploma, stethos. You earned it! I feel like the proud sister over here. (555) 903-2566. Compassion and love. And when that time comes, we will still be here to get through that together as well. I am so proud of you for finishing up your high school classes online during this pandemic. WebIt is with great excitement and joy that we congratulate you on your recent graduation from nursing school. You have always showed grace and forgiveness with those less deserving and truly blessed with a heart of Gold. But through it all, you soared, you made it through! Whatever the future holds will be amazing and we look forward to looking back at pictures of it. Although you will see me cry, rest assured these tears are full of life, joy, and memories. We are in awe of you. I remember every minute of the morning of August 8, 2002 like it was yesterday. We want the very best for you as you move into the next phase of your life. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.(Proverbs 3:5-7). Remain STRONG, BE CONFIDENT and go forth to do your best wherever your life journey may take you. When I found out I was pregnant with you, it was September 10, 2001, the day before the world stopped turning, the day before 9/11. It is the day that proves your growth, efforts, and persistence. You will fill it with the hottest of characters, the most wonderful melodies, accounts of importance, messages of expectation, and each word will be instilled with adoration and confidence. Will you choose to push through? We know that school has never been easy for you, yet you keep trying hard and met your goal. Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. Happy graduation!, #6. Graduation for Daughter, Nursing School with Cross. There are many doors before you to choose from and I know you will make wise choices. You were no longer the one to make sure I was OK, or the one guarding my bed when I was sick or my pain in the butt." My heart and spirit were so moved by this We flip through all your notes and cards and pictures you drew, recall your quips and humor. Your love for your family and God is amazing. ! I just knew how much the pageantry and revelry of this moment would thrill you. It has been our joy to watch you embrace joy. From the very beginning, I knew you would do great things. Graduating means you are ready to face the world, to face the challenges, and to take responsibilities. I only hope I did a good enough job in raising you, that I haven't crippled you from being anything you want to be, go anywhere you want to go. When there is a need, you are there. This is not unique to you-many a nurse have passed through this very same path you are currently on- from the euphoria of being a graduate nurse to the pain and hurt of navigating work place politics. You make me so proud my quiet storm! God has blessed us tremendously. We are celebrating you today! Proud Graduation Quotes For Daughter. I pray God's blessings and wisdom upon you always. We have faith in your capacities, your latent capacity, and the entirety of the guarantee that dwells inside. Now you have become a young independent and a strong woman. I love you so much and I will always be here for you and your big brother. 75 Inspirational Nursing Quotes for Graduation. Nursing school and all that it entailed had simply come to an end, as all things must. You are my whole heart. I wish that you could see yourself through my eyes. Today you are this beautiful young lady that has overcome somany obstacles and are now graduating. Congratulations, lovely! Praying for your continuing success. We knew you were quite tenacious at the age offivewhen you started playing basketball and was the only girl on the team. Educationally, you continue to grow and learn and even when you do not care for the subject, you seem to enjoy the new knowledge. I remember at one point you wanted to quit but you managed to find your pathway and leaned on Jesus to help you through it all. You can appreciate the way she has been raised. Although the ending of your years in school cameabruptly, we know thatit taught you to appreciate life more and made you a stronger person. We know you will enjoy Valdosta State University and will become a wonderful nurse in the future! I remember the day this picture was taken. First, I've developed a passion for the health care profession because [discuss reasons why you're interested in nursing school]. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. I'm confident that my passion for nursing, previous accomplishments and goals as a student and nurse can help ensure that I'm successful in your nursing program. You have had so many trials thrown at you in your 18 years of life, but you have persevered through them all. Wow, youare an 18-year-old graduate and making life decisions. You will do great things. You have done it again! We blinked and you were born. Remember that you can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. We have no doubt that you will approach the next phase of your life with the same vigilance and tenacity. Marketing | Branding | Blogging. I am so proud of all that you have accomplished. You are my greatest gift! As of your mom, I am soproud of you and so glad to share the excitement of your graduation day. When you started Kindergarten high school graduation seemed so far away. Your mother always appreciates your decision. When we transitioned to Montgomery, in the middle of your fifth-grade year all the fears of dropping you off at school came again as if it was the first time. Congrats to our graduate! #2. I have watched you grow from that tiny little adorable preemie into an inquisitive youngster and now the smart and handsome young man that stands before me. The pages are clear, the plot yours to make. We know God will use your gift of healing others to make a positive difference You surely feel proud of her and her achievements. Your life has purpose. We have faith in your capacities, your latent capacity, and the entirety of the guarantee that dwells inside. We have faith in your capacities, your latent capacity, and the entirety of the guarantee that dwells inside. We were ecstatic!! But our God has a perfect plan to shape a boy into a man. We know you will continue to accomplish your dreams and goals you have set for yourself as the years go by in your life. JaKhiah Azure Lewis, your parents, family, and friends, cannot expresshowextremely proud we are of you and your accomplishments in completing this milestone in your life. We simply could not believe it! Dear daughter, you have made me super happy with this excellent achievement. Plus, nursing remains one of the most important careers, as nurses touch people's lives every day. Congratulation my dear daughter! Things to Say to a Graduating Daughter to Show You Appreciate Her Effort #1. It doesnt seem that long ago that you were just a baby. Today, my son, I'm proud of you for all the thoughtful things you do. I bet you dont even realize how many goals you have already achieved. Im proud of your success. After all you have been through in your junior year becoming a mama, losing your maw maw and then your granddaddy one week later, and then your senior year having to have major surgery. You can advise about how she can move ahead and pursue her goals after graduation. I made sure that we got close to the steps of the library for the rally, and as the Million Dollar Band cued up, I leaned into your father and said, Watch her.. Congratulations to you son, and the Class of 2020. Now you have become a young independent and a strong woman. You worked so hard and the show was a great success. I want you to take this strength and soar! I wish I could change your senior year and I hate that it ended so abruptly. Its a wonderful time for all of us. It seems like yesterday you were just a little boy. You can appreciate the way she has been raised. But the proudest moment for me is telling others that you are my daughter. Although your senior year in high school has been unusual and you have finished without the traditional pomp and circumstance, your achievements are not lessened. If you need help in writing such letters then you are at the right place. We watch you change and grow as season come, then quickly go. We dont have a picture of you walking across the stage to accept your diploma or with your arms wrapped around grandparents while wearing your cap and gown. It is a great joy to be your dad to love you more each day and to let you go trusting God and trusting you with this precious life. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. You will get loads of guidance on the best way to carry on with your life. You are one of the best parts of each of us. Words that come to mind at this time are proud, amazedand grateful. Since your birth, weve known that you were destined for greatness. So today I am glad to say congratulations Jhelan for completing this first milestone in your life. You have accomplished a major milestone in life graduating from high school. You are such a special human. May you increase a more profound feeling of self and reason. It has been a delight to see you become such a practiced young lady. Always keep God first and he will direct your steps. My Dear Graduate Nurse, Congratulations on your achievement in graduating from nursing school. I am thankful to God for your success, it is a result of your hard work,patience and commitment. It is indeed an exciting day your daughters graduation day! You did it. They see that you'redifferent and that your love is deep. And because you know how Im wired on the inside, you know its apt to get a little drippy, so bear with me. Glad doesnt appear to be sufficiently very, nor does thankful, albeit unquestionably we are both of those things. Go be and do whatever your heart desires knowing that you have an unlimited supply of love, support, and encouragement. Im sure you put forth a great amount of effort and dedication to the program and perhaps even at times wondered if you would be able to succeed, but you persevered and came through with flying colors. Success different for everyone. It makes for a great gift! You have given me so many reasons to be proud of the woman you have become. We couldnt ask for a more wonderful son. No matter where life leads you, no matter what you do, we'll always be your biggest fans and we'll be here for you. Keep your faith and trust in God for He will never leave you, even when it feels like you are alone, He is still there working on something magnificent for you. You did not let the boys intimidate you, and through the years you propelled your skills and aided your high school team to the Regional Championship. This is shown through your unmatched devotion to your friends and family. Congratulations, dear! Its a wonderful time for all of us. Happy graduation!, #4. I feel like we walked hand in hand with your first steps just a few days ago. Youre a mommas girl and I appreciate the hugs youve given me when no one else is there to. It is time to share your greatness with the world, son. Congratulations to you on graduation, my dear! Congrats to our graduate! #2. You can advise about how she can move ahead and pursue her goals after graduation. We have got you back. We know that you have always been able to adapt to any situation and find an alternate path or a different outlook. I sometimes wish you were still small, not yet so big and strong and tall. I often look at you and ask myself where did the time go. Take a moment to celebrate this massive achievement, capture this memory so that you can always savor the joy of it all especially during those weak moments. May you hold quickly to your fantasies. Things to Say to a Graduating Daughter to Show You Appreciate Her Effort #1. WebGraduation for Daughter, Nursing School with Cross & Stethoscope card Details Size/Quality Pricing Shipping Price: $3.79 (includes envelope), as low as $1.49! Much like I celebrate my birthday all month long, I give you and all members of the class of 2020 permission to celebrate for the rest of the year! You have had your fair share of challenges, but you dont let them define you. It was a proud moment to see your daughter grow up and achieve great grades. It is a delight to see you scanning for data about the course Psychology, about the schools which are offering it, about their education costs, offices, instructors, number of enlistments, number of fruitful alumni, and so forth., relating to your picked course. in. We LOVE you kiddo!!!! Congrats to our graduate! #2. Physically, you are taller than I am now, but mentally and emotionally you are bigger than us all. I realize that whatever course you may have picked, you have thoroughly considered it, and gauged all the advantages and disadvantages. You have worked so hard to get to where you are, and we are so proud of you and your determination. We have watched with awe as you gave up Saturdays to volunteer as a buddy for Miracle League baseball, and heard stories of you helping a classmate who is blind. Going to Bucknell was your fantasy and dig for you yet you accomplished the work, and you ought to be pleased with what you have achieved! We want you to continue to strive for your dreams and desires that God places within your spirit. You are such a joy to us and we are so proud of all you have accomplished in such a short 18 years! We cant wait to see what the future has in store for you and we wish you nothing but the best. Congratulations, sweet daughter, on this momentous day. Choosing a specialty can be a daunting task and we made it easier. You are going to do amazing things, and they better watch out for you because you'll be nursing circles around them. It is like honoring a rose for being fragrant and beautiful. Inside Text: We are so proud of your accomplishment and excited about your future as a Nurse. A Letter to My DaughterA Class of 2020 Graduate by Nichole Forbes on May 12, 2020 1 Comment To my high school graduate, Here we are, nearing the end of your senior year. Bed stories were replaced with homework, baby steps with keys to the car and Kindergarten turned into a cap and gown. Through that together as well dreams and desires that God places within your spirit future has in store for and. Can never cross the ocean until you have had so many trials thrown you! Friends and family Marching Band an unlimited supply of love, laughter, and the Show a. Another term for 'living ' find an alternate path or a different outlook in Med Nurse in the!. 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