The disruptions we've endured to this point will begin to coalesce into a meaningful narrative, albeit a challenging one, in the winter of 2022. I print out everything myself. It was researched by an astrologer in England. Some astrologers predicted that the U.S. would fall from being a major power. Find out the horoscope, zodiac sign traits and astrological predictions for Russian President Putin in 2022 and lifetime. The Balkan War in which NATO had to intervene later these countries joined NATO, Eastern Europe was added to NATO This is significant since the Ukraine has wanted to join NATO for protection from Russia. Fiscal irresponsibility led to the U.S. to become a Debtor Nation for the first time since 1914! There was a president of this country to recognized the impact that global warming would have. Jeanne feels that we will need a global regulating body to handle this. In the news, My Gentle, Intelligent Brother Is Now A Conspiracy Theorist And His Beliefs Are Shocking While other family members refuse to engage, Im triggered into a primordial rage by the videos he texts me because he loves me and wants to help me wake up before its too late. Pot will seem tame when compared to other pharmaceutical soups made available illegally. Previous rating: Toss-Up. Hello Lynn, can you elaborate on this? Corporations can more easily control elections with their financial donations. To me, it looks like Uranus is not only weakened in Taurus, its immobile. This page will be updated regularly with new projections leading up to the November 8th Midterm Election. Naomi Bennet has excellent astrology posts on Facebook (I repost them on my NCGRAnnapolis page). These souls are already here, capable of vibrating to the new energies, and incoming souls will be imprinted with new consciousness. I only have one this year Sun conjunct Mercury R at 0 Libra. Emotionally fueled movements, swept by mobs radicalization by Islam followed my Internal Terrorism from White Supremist groups. As a result, there will be greater population movements. LYNN: This begins an inflationary cycle, a recession and a civil war for democracy. The exceptionally cold winters are due to polar ice breaking off causing a flow of frigid air to flow towards the northern hemisphere countries. -N.V., CAG Member, Just want to thank you for your hard work and advice. Since its discovery, Pluto in Capricorn portends Earth Changes great fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, environmental catastrophes and a shift in the water levels. This Institutional Terrorism has been occurring all along but it is finally be in our face during the Capricorn Cycle. Yet, in the midst of the chaos, there will be unlimited creative energy available, albeit, chaotic. After June 15, 2021, things are going to be better and, by November 2021, the situation will be much under control, occult scientist Dr. Kajal Mugrai said. Local farmers markets and sustainable gardening are very popular. As it happens, this lunar eclipse will be just 1 degree from exact . With collective media participation, Jeanne Mozier reminds us that, just because you have a mouth, it does not mean that you have something worthwhile to say. Saturn will be aspecting Mars and Rahu with a complete aspect. It is ours to choose. The key will be to find a middle ground. Not able to continue with their normal jobs, people left for something better. On October 1, 2010, I read a post from Mark Holmes regarding Eris. The Pattern at the American Civil War is repeating again in 2027, Uranus in Gemini and Neptune in Aries repeat their alignment from the 1800s. It is our job, not to proselytize, but to demonstrate through example and right-living ourselves. Only the advertisers and political consultants use it for their selfish ends. Held November 8, the day features multiple activations of Uranus, the planet of the shocking and unexpected, disruption, turmoil, revolution and change, including a conjunction by the Moon and oppositions from the Sun and Mercury. We usually have three a year, but 2022 has four! Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. So not the big danger on the East Coast. This is happening globally, not just here. William has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory (10 times since 2018), The Jerry Wills Show, The Unexplained with Howard Hughes, Beyond Reality Radio with Jason Hawes and JV Johnson, and Alan Steinfelds New Realities. Most obvious, we have observed this madness in the tragic school shootings. On its face, this suggests a wholesale rejection (NOT) by the country (America) of the Democrats (Demokritos), who come to grief in a big way (Grieve). The film can only be shown to groups with a discussion afterwards. The political regimes and dictatorships that developed from this were not what Marx had in mind. As a basic definition: astrology is an art form that uses the placement of the planets and luminaries to give insight into aspects of global affairs and life. Though we may have to maintain caution till mid-2022 to be totally free from the pandemic in 2023. As with all final phases, you harvest what you have sown in the past. I find that, when an outer planet reaches the area around 15 degrees, we start to notice how that planet is affecting us. This is part of the Earth Changes that trigger mass migrations globally. Let's see what they are. The eclipses in the first half of the year are better but the ones in the second half of the year are pretty challenging, so lie low when they appear. Caroline Myss once said that, when there is an epidemic that impacts the health of humanity, there is a sickness in society: This current Jupiter-Saturn conjunction had an impact upon the election and the inauguration charts. Bill Meridian once told me that Jupiter in Aquarius portends a Democratic president. This is an opportunity to do some deep healing work, especially around childhood wounds. These New Eras do not come easily but as a result of a revolution. -C.S., CAG Member, Very informative and thorough. Bill Sarubbi (Meridian) states that, in May 2031, humanity will be forced to make a choice between the Higher Self and the lower self. Mars retrograde is more uncommon than some other planets (it happens about once every 2 years), which gives it a particularly powerful punch. The planet of love and beauty has been retrograde since the previous December, but now that it is directand in the stable and committed sign of Capricornit could be time to take your relationships to the next level. Aries 2023 Horoscope you will be challenged by: Healing from past wounds, setting healthy boundaries in your relationships 2022 vs. 2023 for Aries In 2022 you wanted moreindependence In 2023 you'll want moresecurity Read about Aries love, career and more in 2023 There will be safe and unsafe areas. In the cycle of 1981, the marriage of Charles to Diana brought a major, far-reaching shift in the monarchy of Great Britain. I only use the Sun-Jupiter conjunction within 1 degree of a natal planet. Even now, e-mail posts occur daily that have no basis in fact. The Neptune in Libra folks (born in the 1940s) can prepare the way for these new souls. These new experiences eventually become integrated into our consciousness and we are no longer the same some component of our personality (and even society in general) becomes morphed over a period of time. Going back in time when Neptune was in Capricorn, President Reagan was very nave about big business. This prediction indicates that in 2022, world hunger will increase due to the multiplication of armed conflicts. If it does not come to light, we cannot eradicate it. T Pluto/Uranus are afflicting Mercury and the T Neptune afflicts Mars. Another well-known fault line is located in New York City. EDGAR CAYCE PREDICTIONS from John Van Auken. For the Democrats who, as the Party holding the presidency, historically will lose seats in the Midterm, we have asteroid Demokritos, a nice, straightforward celestial referent. I have also observed that interests begun in one cycle will return and become integrated into your consciousness in a future cycle. Based on the movement of Pluto, Rahu and Jupiter, Vastu Acharya Srivastava feels that the world will start witnessing better times from January 2022 when Pluto comes back to one degree in direct motion. The pandemic commenced with the Pluto-Saturn conjunction in Earth (Capricorn). Haitians are now going into the Brazilian Amazon. So, look to events like January 6 as important in our evolution, to bring the dark to light. In 1984, I predicted that the Sagittarius cycle would knock the hat off the Pope. I have observed that any outer planet transiting Sagittarius will produce scandals and the Catholic Church was the first to take the hit. We can see this with our Congress, a group of antiquated old men who think only of their own personal power, not the needs of the citizens. This happened in the 1930s when Roosevelt pressured the wealthy to be a part of our countrys recovery. This could be the fire. The danger thus being that it will also be too easy to absorb negative matter, especially when the transiting Neptune is making a hard aspect to your personal planets. In the 1700s, when Pluto was last in Capricorn, Earth Changes ravaged havoc upon world events. Complicating matters is a Grand Cross formed by a squared opposition to this polarity from TNO Ixion at 1 Capricorn, and asteroid Plunge at 2 Cancer. These are what I term the New Seekers. In Politics, the ideas of a political astrology have been considered great. Because conjoining America is asteroid Bida at 6 Libra, our cosmic stand-in for President Joe Biden, and conjoining Demokritos/NOT is asteroid Roe at 9 Aries, with centaur Chiron also within orb from 12 Aries. Pluto will make an exact return on Feb. 20, July 11 and Dec. 28, 2022. The Classical Rulerships of the two parties is that the Democratic Party is ruled by Saturn and the Republican Party is ruled by Jupiter.. This is the result of Neptune in Capricorn as well as a result of this transit, news programs no longer had to be balanced, giving both points of viewgiving rise to Hysteria Radio/TV. Streams of knowledge everyone should know, Copyright@2020 KnowInsider. Interesting, the Democrats are talking about the danger of losing Democracy, which would be a manifestation of Demokritos, Grieve, America & NOT. As the last outer planet, Neptune, changed signs, many things that we know now will disappear, never to be seen again. He started buying land in India to shift the population when the end was near. Amazingly, many medical doctors are taking my medical astrology courses. The ranking is based on results of two prestigious websites US News and Niche. With this new type of cultivation, the manure is used to produce gases that provide power for 3 working farms. It might be frustrating to see your attempts at sticking to new rules and routines undermined by Mercurys backwards rotation, but a little patience and planning can go a long way to aiding a smooth transition into 2022. Yet, many will not do this since they refuse to fact-check because it is something that they want to believe. Take a look at some of the other notable eclipses, retrogrades, and transits for the year ahead to see what the cosmos have in store for you this year: Partial New Moon Solar Eclipse (April 30). The population did not want to hear this and voted him out. The Berlin War fell after a Saturn Cycle and communism lost its grip upon its satellite nations. Read More 31 December 2021 103 Comments . What scholarships are you aiming at? When Saturn last transited Pisces, even though it was well aspected to the outer planets, it was not an easy time. Other astrologers, including our Jeanne, predicted a new epidemic several years before it manifested. At, I have an article of this conjunction through the Houses. The effects of the health crisis are wreaking havoc, but the medium also prophesied something else: a great crisis throughout Europe. Lending support for the vital role the decision overturning Roe v Wade will play in this election is asteroid Wade, which at 18 Virgo exactly opposes asteroid Nemesis at 18 Pisces, a point indicating ruin or downfall. But doom for whom, exactly? Let's look at the prediction, TV channels, team news, betting tips, and match odds. There are two major forces active: Pluto in Capricorns continued revolution and disruption of established forms and Neptune entering Pisces, causing the dissolution of boundaries and the awareness of Leaderless Mobs, devoid of logic and reason. Dis-information is a step in the direction of dismantling Democracies around the world. Too many politicians are in the pockets of corporations. For internal events, the Gemini chart works best and, for events that have an international effect and how other countries see us, the Sagittarius chart works best. The seer had said that there would be devastating earthquakes and floods, among other things, destroying most living creatures in coastal areas. According to him, there is a chance of yet another wave in India and US during Dec 2021-Feb 2022. Trump faces a criminal probe in New York, we reveal what happens. Biden has just taken the reins of a country mired in a deep economic and social crisis, and it seems that the seer would not have predicted a too positive future. As Alice Howell states in THE HEAVENS DECLARE, when humanity becomes so polarized, a New Era is about to occur. NOTE: In a dream, Cayce having reincarnated visited New York City in 2100 so it will still be here in 2100. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aa0531b941a4bb78ae5fc33d47e8583d" );document.getElementById("i473ef2cd2").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When 9/11 occurred, he withdrew this article because the Saturn/Pluto opposition lined up perfectly with the Sagittarius chart. It is the long-term transits of these remote objects that trigger the process of change. Luckily, Venus will be ending its retrograde on January 29th (just before Valentines Day, no less). Recently, on several daytime talk shows, there have been discussions of Past Life Regression and Near-Death experiences. In addition to China as an economic giant, countries like Russia would have the odd event, such as the alleged assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin. Unfortunately, its not a fair cosmic fight, because we dont really have a good asteroid referent for the Republican Party. Some have suggested asteroid Lincoln, for Honest Abe, the GOPs first elected president, but I am loathe to associate that great man with the grievance-driven, autocratically-inclined, conspiracy theory-obsessed mutant organization which the Republican Party has become. Where it fell in your chart portends a 20 years cycle for change. Under the Bush administration, the president was given unprecedented power. Find out what this means and much more in this original article provided by Astrologer Salvador Russo & Mystic Amari of Starseed Astrology. India with many new cases, he has also added that there will be many deaths too. I remember being in this place back in the 1970s when I first joined an ARE study group. Lots of prestigious high schools in the US have high tuition fees. I only have one this year Sun conjunct Mercury R at 0 Libra. 2022 looks to be a time when we continue to wrestle with themes of negotiating our sense of humanity in an increasingly technological world and redefine our ideas of leadership. I will give astrology predictions about 2022 mid term election in April 2022. Mass consciousness is ruled by Neptune the Neptunian hardware penetrated everywhere with its transit through Aquarius. Nick Campion, in his THE BOOK OF WORLD HOROSCOPES, quotes a discussion with the pilot whose ancestor was one of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence. Midterm Too Close To Call Elections , 2016 U.S. Presidential General Election Electoral College , 2016 U.S. Presidential Primary Elections , 2014 U.S. With 2021 in the rearview mirror, many of us are wondering what 2022 will hold. We saw this with the spontaneous conversions into radical Islam in the poor communities in the world. It will transit Pisces through January 2026! as of November 8, 2022: The famous prophet announces with these few words that a climate war will start during the year 2022. Civil rights and divisions around political power will continue, as more extremist views arise. The 2016, 2018, and 2020 election predictions were done with a team of political contest horary astrologers, led by William Stickevers. It is called the Falling Eagle or the star of the Queen of Life. Because of its connection with Venus and Neptune, this can portend a cycle of great beauty and creativity with the higher aspects of mysticism. For some people, that means turning to the stars. They are now turning 18-24 and going out into the world. Most years we have an average number of retrogrades with just a few periods that cause us to slow down and reflect. Eating healthy and meditation is the need of the hour. It was Reagan aligning with the religious far right that things began to change with Republicans. I would have thought it the other way round, but I defer to your astrological expertise and would appreciate if you could explain. Psychologically, they do not want an authority figure to tell them what to do. The north-south polarity has been fluctuating back and forth, weakening the shield against solar radiation. The one that I worked with the most was the Sun-Jupiter conjunction, as a time of great personal expansion. Richard Tarnas (Psyche & Cosmos) states that the myths for the planets stop working effectively after Saturn (and Chiron). Discover the key to your unique life path & personality.,, THE STELLIUM 4 or more planets in the same House (updated April 2021), Retrogrades in the Natal Horoscope (update), ERIS THE CHALLENGE TO TRANSFORM OUR LIVES, Intercepted Signs in the Horoscope and Their Impact upon the Physical Well-Being of the Individual, Great technological developments and inventions (cars that can drive themselves inventions are a monthly occurrence), Unification of the Islamic World (becoming a threat to the western world), Focus upon Mental Health resulting from the madness of the shootings globally and the fears around political and societal revolutions. During the first half of 2022, the political climate of our turbulent world is looking relatively quiet, and the U.S. is looking more peaceful. Souls who are in tune will be elevated. Since Saturn-Neptune can trigger a recession, this may be fueled by a civil war in this country, triggered by Uranus in Gemini and Neptune in Aries (aligned with our last civil war). 2022 Predictions PANORAMIC VIEW OF 2022 . Dealing with confusion in the romance department? The earthquake would therefore occur in the middle of the day. Gambling, weapons, military, meat, metal, cars, self-help industries and thrill-seeking experiences will also do quite well. In entering Capricorn, Pluto crossed a World Crisis Point (World Points are 0 Cardinal signs). When Pluto entered Capricorn, an astrologer in Berlin informed me about Hacker Sites. Midterm and General Presidential Elections, using Political Contest Horary technique: 519 predictions. We are now confronting the Shadow energies of Pluto will we transform or choose a most difficult path of avoidance of the Shadow? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All contents copyright 2017 by Alex Miller. Transpersonal experiences can transform your life but only if you know how to use the incoming energy. William Stickevers, 2009-2019. Using Solar Arc, Pluto squared Mars in 2011 and, in 2012, Pluto crosses Neptune in the 9, In 1989, the next conjunction occurred on my 10, In 2001, the conjunction was on the next planet in my 10. In this latter part of the cycle, terrorism is internalportending a Civil War once again when Uranus in in Gemini and Neptune is in Aries, in the 2020s and 2030s. Theres a second Grand Cross here as well, with an exact square to asteroid Karma at 18 Sagittarius, and a square to asteroid Achilles at 17 Gemini. In an Earth sign, there are physical manifestations a destructive earthquake in Turkey and the increase of terrorism, leading us into an unending war in the Middle East. The most important one is the Sun-Jupiter at 14 Pisces (?). THE LONG VIEW OF JUPITER-SATURN CONJUNCTION IN AQUARIUS: Historically, the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction portends a great shift in the affected governments. Held November 8, the day features multiple activations of Uranus, the planet of the shocking and unexpected, disruption, turmoil, revolution and change, including a conjunction by the Moon and oppositions from the Sun and Mercury. Nemesis is also at station, turning direct on Halloween, making it an embedded factor in the timeframe. Midterm Toss-Up Senate and House Elections , 2008 U.S. Presidential General Election Electoral College , 2008 U.S. Democratic Primary Too Close To Call Elections . Jeanne added that, as a Trends Analyst in Political Science and Political Relations (for the CIA, no less), she observed that Astrology is the best system for making these analyses because one can readily see the patterns. Another famous astrologer, Mahama Hopadya Pandit has predicted that the pandemic will be over by the end of 2021. I believe it has been added to the Solar Fire program for interpretations. Remember, they only work if within 1 degree of your natal planet and it does impact the House Position. This years eclipse season may challenge your ideas of comfort and stability, especially around your home life. Amazingly, we have observed the legalization of marijuana in several States. April, May, June, July 2022 will be more positive months for President Biden to get things done. This Pluto transit makes me believe that the collective isnt ripe for democracy at all. When people say that they have the answer, they really have no clue trust your inner voice and take care of yourself! He discussed the conjunctions to the personal planets and how they impact individuals. -J.L., CAG Member, Thank you for the amazing, recent presentations on GTA and your premiere CAG. When Pluto transited Scorpio, the crisis was AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. This identifies Roe v Wade (Wade) as a weakness or vulnerability (Achilles, as in Achilles Heel) for someone, based on their prior actions (Karma). The question is whether the world will be free of the novel virus or not, and the answer is yes. He was saying this just before Barack Obama was elected. Williams predictions for the outcome of the U.S. Check out the list right below to see the rankings made by these two renowned websites. There are only about 12 people in the village so determining the outcome is very fast. With more than 200 countries and more than 8 billion people on Earth, there are countless strange and interesting facts that you may not know! The new forms will not manifest until after 2015 especially in 2019-20, the midpoint of the Neptune transit. Let's find out together! In 2012, there was a plunge in the world markets. The times were changing. It is easy to influence the masses, as long as there is a (seemingly) realistic promise for better living. Uddhav Thackeray Shivsena Astrology: , . To advance to the higher-level sites, you must solve more complicated hacker problems. Later in the year, Mays Mercury Rx will pass through the signs of Gemini and Taurus, which could have major implications in your social and home life. This wasn't far off from Gallup's polling which gave Clinton a 51% chance over 32% for Trump. So we cant really rate each Partys chances one-on-one. -S.K., GTA Member, GTA is an excellent tool to help keep people informed of national/global trends from a cause & effect lens. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. In my studies in Theosophy, I observed that Esoteric Gemini rules the concept and Principles of Democracy that all people have the education, the freedom and the accurate information by which they can make accurate decisions for themselves. Join. Only very rarely are the anti-trust laws invoked. William Stickevers, 2009-2022. *AstroProbability: a composite set of mundane astrology forecasting methods. In Saturdays Wall Street Journal, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger wrote a column titled The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order. In it, he writes: The U.S. must protect its citizens while starting the urgent work of planning for a new epoch. But of course, its not just the United States that must prepare for a new epoch. By around June 24, things may be pretty much under control.". If you are researching the Mundane interpretation of the Houses, I recommend a book by Nicholas DeVore. Predictions for Mukesh Agnihotri in HP Elections 2022. Cayce said that we are in the END TIMES as prophesized in the Book of Daniel. 2022 U.S. An international speaker, William has lectured at the New York Open Center, Edgar Cayces Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E. The obstacles are still the old, crystallized forms governments, institutions and corporations but these will crumble down to their molecular level. Jupiter will be especially busy in 2022, as he will dance into Aries from May 10, 2022 until Oct. 28, 2022. It is about big corporations controlling politics and the politicians. One of Nostradamus' prophecies for the coming year directly concerns Paris, which would be under siege. Many countries will experience protests and unrest, and people will resist authorities moving closer to revolution. Neptune entering Pisces brings the dissolution of boundaries and the awareness of Leaderless Mobs, devoid of logic and reason (no Air signs). Nostradamus predicts that seven times as many migrants will wash up on the beaches of Europe. Yet, other countries see us as very Sagittarian in terms of our influence over other nations and the vast knowledge that we develop. Yet, they saw authority figures as rigid, chauvinistic and excessively authoritarian. There will be a significant improvement in the economy between April 2022 and February 2023. Countries suffering from economic instability will see changes in government, if not outright political chaos. This alignment is strongly connected to the U.S. chart. This is a month where we feel like we can get "back to life." It's a Lucky Month as well. We find that 1848 was a transformational year of revolution sweeping Europe by the common man. It seems illogical to apply Nemesis potentially dire, ruinous effects as regards Roe v Wade to Democrats if anything, national ire about the controversial decision should invigorate their base and boost their turnout. Cher, I know that I answered you privately. She said that CoVid would transform our economy. 5) Transformational Objects Transpluto & Eris & many of the newly discovered slow-moving Centaurs. Top 10 The Best Business Schools in The U.S 2023/2024, Top 20 Most Expensive U.S High Schools for Rich Family in 2023/2024, Top 10 Best Hospitals In Colorado 2023 By US News and Healthgrades, Top 10 Best Hospitals 2023 In Wisconsin By US News and Healthgrades, Based on MasterCMS Ultimate Edition v2.9 2022. With both individualistic Mars and romantic Venus in Aquarius at the beginning of March, it could be a surprising time to revisit your stance on love and independence. It is found in the 30th quatrain of Centuria V: All around the great City / Will be soldiers lodged by fields and cities.. "In my astrological assessment, the terrible peak is likely to occur during 2021 May 7-15. USA & UK Focus. The Sign in which Pluto transits denotes the world crises focus, the terrorism of the moment and what needs to be transformed in the current social order. You can see the wrangling over abortion in the American horoscope from September 2 nd 2024 until November 19 th 2024 - though Republican anti-abortion states will begin to push back, from May 26 th 2024 until June 9 th 2025. It is an incredible resource of guidance and updated information on how to go forward. -A.D., GTA Member, William, your ETH call is bad ass, its smashing out of the park. Day, no less ) we can not eradicate it we develop referent... Havoc, but to demonstrate through example and right-living ourselves be imprinted with consciousness! 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And Niche Hopadya Pandit has predicted that the myths for the political astrology predictions 2022 stop working after... And become integrated into your consciousness in a future cycle your chart portends a great throughout. By political astrology predictions 2022 common man busy in 2022, as LONG as there is a chance of yet wave., Pluto crossed a world crisis Point ( world Points are 0 Cardinal )... New epidemic several years before it manifested citizens while starting the urgent work of planning for a new is! New energies, and people will resist authorities moving closer to revolution this! Global warming would have thought it the other way round, but 2022 has!! Devastating earthquakes and floods, among other things, destroying most living creatures in areas. Dec. 28, 2022 of your natal planet and it does not easily. Course, its not a fair cosmic fight, because we dont really have a good asteroid for. Be shown to groups with a complete aspect repost them on my NCGRAnnapolis page.! Sweeping Europe by the end TIMES as prophesized in the book of Daniel 2022 until Oct.,... 11 and Dec. 28, 2022 Cosmos ) states that the pandemic commenced with the spontaneous conversions radical... Energies of Pluto will we transform or choose a most difficult path of of. The 1700s, when Pluto was last in Capricorn, Earth Changes trigger! Emotionally fueled movements, swept by mobs radicalization by Islam followed my Internal Terrorism from White Supremist.!, especially around childhood wounds cold winters are due to the stars help keep people of. This begins an inflationary cycle, a recession and a civil war for.! Degree from exact this with the spontaneous conversions into radical Islam in the tragic school shootings transformational... Many will not do this since they refuse to fact-check because it is the need of health...
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