Barnes J H Milton.Ed Peffly Guy wf Maude floor foreman Hunter Milling Co r 701 s H Root J I Cicero.Har Rutter Bennie Geuda Spgs.Val Nasworthy W F Quinlisk C A Billings W H Miilton.Ed Boatman E Mulvane 1.B P 217 North Washington ave. Cummins W H Caldwell.Cald Crouch O L Caldwell.Bl Woodward Chas I wf Clara A trav r Washn nw cor 17th Gentry James F Henry Guy Wellington, Kans. Richardson A J Belle Plaine 3.Pal Roberson F E Caldwell.Falls Burgess W C Belle Plaine 2.B P Lupton R W Wellington 3.Su Jones W T Caldwell.Cald Wiggins A R Mayfield l.Su Williams O R Dalton.Av Telephones 88 and 39. Front Fly. Wellington, Kansas Hoover W M Newcomb J W Alter, Belle Plaine. Streets North of Harvey Av. Brooks C W Cole I T C Love F A Mayfield l.Su Turkle E A Belle Plaine.Pal Vaughn J H Dalton.Av Foster T S Belle Plaine 1.B P THOMAS F V PROF (Profs Thomas & Thomas) r 117 1/2 n Washn tel 66 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Johnston E E Caldwell.Falls Bauman Edwin wf Annie propr Bon Ton Bakery r 719 s Jefferson Johnson W B Paulding A Peters Wm Ashton.Wal Phone 173. Surplus Fund, $25,000. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WORK. Kelly Clara J r 306 n Poplar Lutz L L South Haven.S H Hoechtenbach Walter Caldwell.Falls Exchanges a Specialty. Elliott J L Ashton.Wal Schneider Katie wid Peter r 816 e Lincoln Henderson Walter P r 320 w 10th Horton Arthur D (c) porter F B Snyder r 1024 e Lincoln J. Hill W W CorbinCh ANDREWS H W wf Elizabeth P propr Bee Hive Grocery r 303 s F tel 470 Botkin Elizabeth r Plum cor 9th PIANOS & ORGANS Alderson Noveline r 424 n C Vincent Robt hostler J F Harrelson rms 313 e Lincoln Hopper Lussie A Mrs 416 n Washn CIGARS AND TOBACCO King Sol Caldwell 4.Bl T. Simon, Caldwell, Kas. Kiger Wm M wf Mollie drayman r 708 s H Barnard MM Caldwell.Cald J. GARLAND, President. C. M. TICHENOR, between east and west, from the starting point. PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. 111 Paulsen Will Caldwell.Cald Rose C W Dalton.Av Ryman M Perth.Do 120 North Washington =s= =s= Phone 240 Furniture Repairs and Jobbing a Specialty 205 S. Washington Ave. Telephone No. Back Fly. Wilson Andrew T wf Mary E police judge r 312 n C Moore Omer E storekpr Santa Fe r 1224 e Harvey Kightlinger Lillie rms 214 s C 53 We do a General Real Estate Business. Kersey J B Mulvane.Go French Henry Conway Spgs.Con McCants N T Caldwell.Cald STATE GOVERNMENT. Holly Jordan (c) porter Smiths Drug Store r 920 n C Antlers Hotel BuildingWashn, se cor. J. GARLAND, President. M. AND F. V. THOMAS ALL KINDS OF GOOD COAL, LIME AND CEMENT Tennery J H Belle Plaine.3.Pal Threlfall J P Mayfield.Os Boory Barbara A wid Frederick r 311 s Jefferson Skinner A O Udall.Go Smith E C Milton Ed Brandt H M Cokon A M City AttorneyHarold W. Herrick. Baker E L Burnette J A Plumbing Goods, Gas Fixtures, Sewer, Pipe, Farm Drain Tile, Etc Morrill E A Drury.Falls Capital Stock, $75,000, Full) Paid. Exchange a Specially. Luening Blck206-208-210 s Washn. Grider R B Holdredge H C MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OR BUILDING STONE Stone for Foundations, Stone for Parking, Flue Blocks, Porch Piers, Double Wail Blocks for Houses and Business Buildings Mor Wellington, Kans. Forbes C E Welington.Well Rock Island Restaurant 211 s Washn McClintock P D Clearwater.Lon ROOFING, GUTTERING, SPOUTING. T. Fairchild. Lincoln and Jefferson. Telephone 333 Levering I Ashton.Ge W. Davis. Mountford Hugh Geuda Spgs 2.Wal CITY DIRECTORY. McPhail Robt B wf Edna E packer Wellington Pro Co r 411 w Harvey Byers Della r Woodland cor 2d Knowles Wm B wf Jennie O r 1004 s Washn Phone 173. SOUTH WASHINGTON AVENUE Geo. H.CROUSE Plumbing,Heating and GasFitting Wellington, Kans. 217 North Washington ave. Owen Martha E wid James B r 422 w Lincoln ESTABLISHED MAY 20, 1872 PHONE 135 WELLINGTON, KANSAS We solicit your patronage, offering you our excellent facilities for the safe and satisfactory handling of your business Cousins Frank (c) team Glamann Bros r 316 s Blaine Hollingsworth V H South Haven.S H Green H C Wellington.Av is the dividing street between north and south; Washington Av. Ordinance 2022-04 - AN ORDINANCE ADJUSTING THE NUMBER OF SICK AND VACATION DAYS BEING ABLE TO CARRY OVER AT THE END OF THE CALENDAR YEAR FOR FULL TIME EMPLOYEES. De Turk A Wellington.Well Johnson J M Nunn R H SONDERUP G D 115 e Harvey tel 385 Brownlee James Smith A Y ATTORNEYS AT LAW Maple Isaac Mulvane.Go Massengill Luther Caldwell.Cald Haley J C Howe Henry W Skaggs R C Wellington.Jk McDaniel Clyde Caldwell.Cald Mumaw A South Haven.S H Carter Henry S retd r 321 n B Looker Wm Sherburn Wm JAS. 137 Miller John Wellington.Av PHONE NO. M. T. Turner, Prop. Chandler L C Geuda Spgs 2_Wal Armstrong S Alice wid Geo D r 728 s H Frambers D Clarence clk Frambers & Brumley r 312 e 9th McMullen Chauncey Albert wf Hattie engr Santa Fe r 524-e Lincoln Crewse G N Argonia.Spg Wellington Plumbing Co. Saylor Almira B r 322 e 10th Davis 0 C Hazzard S S SADDLERY, ETC. Barry A E Conway Spgs.Con Business 623 w 3d. BAILEYS STUDIO 121/2 s Washn over Gambrills tel 333 Peck Wm Belle Plaine.Pal Thornbro Jesse N wf Julia F switch Santa Fe r 801 e 4th Markley A J Belle Plaine.B P Massey John Ashton.Wal J. Wright M K Wellington.Well Young C H Portland.Ge Patterson Edw E wf Lillie r ws Washn nr north city limits Edwards David J wf Loretta O lab r 424 w Lincoln Eighth14th st. KIRK ALDA Natl Bank of Commerce tel 188 Brandt J P Wellington.Av Green Chas R clk Aetna Mills rms 209 w Harvey Of Wellington. Hollister Geo Rogers Elmer June W H Udall.Go Stewart, D. H., Presby.) Hawk A P Hank Miram Conway Spgs.Spg Then Scott Mrs M E Caldwell 4.B1 Shaffer Chas Milan Ry McKisson Guy C (Dock) clk W E Overman r 203 1/2 s Washn Beatty R C Caldwell 4.B1 Hal pin H McClure I T 7. Cease Chas Ferris E G 59, Farmer Phone 45 Wellington, Kansas Speer G C South Haven.S H Steffen Fred Milan.Mor Byrd Mary (c) r S14 w 8th Magill J M Mayfield.Os Wyckoff L R Caldwell 3.Bl Z. Telephone 110. UNITED STATES SENATORS. THE SECURITY STATE BANK Bike Wagons, Plows, Farm Wagons, Cream Separators ; Mrs. Florence Emerson, treas. Williamson Caroline (c) wks North Star Dining Parlor EMERSON & HARRISON, Physician and Druggist Leatherman O V Drury.Falls Bybee Nannie B 314 e Lincoln FINNEY LAFAYETTE H wf Nettie A atty 408 n Washn r 105 w 9 th June Chas Udall.Go Woody Myrle H student r 815 s Jefferson Long, Medicine Lodge. J. Bainter F P Belle Plaine 3.Pal Beaver Wm A wf Lula barber Harry Gwynn r 615 s Washn PREWITT DIRECTORY CO.'S 16 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Ruggles Kate L r 304 w Lincoln Allen A T Mayfield.Os WAUGH NEAL B bkpr Amsden Lbr Co r 211 w Lincoln Office Hours 1 to 4 p. m. Anderson L J WelIington.Lon What's New & FAQs. McCook Johanna wid Bryant r 1317 e Lincoln PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Lackey J G Wellington.Well Shearman Grace coll r 124 n Park OWEN G R 120 e Harvey tel 217 Wallace C C Mulvane 1.B P W. Wallace C T Belle Plaine.Go Milem Allen E wf Mary E team City Feed Mill r 15th cor Poplar Second WardEast of Washington, from First st. north to Harvy av. Carrier No .4A. FireRussell, Sargent and Gelino. WELLINGTON JOURNAL THE (daily newspaper) 121 w Harvey Chas R Havens editor and propr PHONE 287 Left Bottom Lines. Gardner John W wf Louisa lab r 801 n Blaine Manthey J Argonia.Dix Mason W F Corbin.Falls Allyn A M Conway Springs.Spg Hervey A H Mayfield.Ch Breece J G Caldwell.Falls Whitfield Wm D wf Ida R mgr poultry dept Wellington Pro Co r 722 s Jefferson Pierce O A Ryland J A STAFFELBACH WM H wf Emma T atty at law rooms 1 and 2 Security Bank bldg tel 124 r 514 s F tel 192 Lorey Floran Ashton.Wal Kloefkorn Fred Caldwell 3.Bl Bumgardner W B Geuda Spgs l.Wal Sones H R Conway Spgs.Con Staley Jesse Argonia.Spg Kansas City, MO 64106 Thomas C E Perth. Wilder James B wf Mamie car insp Santa Fe r 707 e Lincoln MINERAL WATERS Dron Lida J r 716 s G JACKSON CLAUDE wf Olive foreman City Feed Barn r 513 n Jefferson Crick G B Ashton.Wal PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. South HavenWm. Allby Alida Ashton.Ge E. B. Roser, Vice-Prest. Hickey Renn B wf Laura E switch Santa Fe r 509 e 4th Camp John C wf Mary J live stk r 820 n C Rissell Ralph L team r 415 W Harvey PHONE 20. Wright Erasmus R wf Jemima tailor 112 w Harvey r 304 s Jefferson Keller Moses Robinson A C REAL ESTATE, LOANS and EMIGRATION AGENTS Hill Chas lab rms 207 1/2 n Washn Smith Gertrude M r 504 e 2d Doyle Harriet wid Patrick r 824 s Washn Gifford Frank Belle Plaine. Purcell Joseph M Jr clk Santa Fe Eating House r 906 s Washn Left Bottom Lines. Case Roy M carp r 314 s Washn Williams Wm H lab Wellington Gas Co r 431 e 1st Kucera Anton Middleton W E RUSH LIVERY, Fox C W Wellington.Jk W. A. CARRINGTON Wiant C A Belle Plaine 2.Har Williams J R PecK.Lon Ray Anna M Mrs r 119 n Jefferson March 01, 2023 6:30 AM. Hall Wm A cond Santa Fe Dunbar Thomas Caldwell.Falls Romig Ulysses G (W A Romig & Sons) r 1120 n Blaine We Solicit Your Patronage, Offering You Our Excellent Facilities for the Safe and Satisfactory Handling of Your Business Brinley Luke Milton.Ed SEYMOUR WM B wf Nellie E livery feed and sale stables 205-207 e Lincoln tel 12 r 116 n G tel 57 Your Business Solicited Capital stock $50,000.00, A general banking business transacted. BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY and HIDES, Lewis S M Mitchell Geo Hansen Jens P Geuda Spgs 2Wal Cummins J B Caldwell.Cald Cornwell Leah S Mrs r Ash cor Maple Green Thos J wf Bessie packer Aetna Mills r 703 e Lincoln Wyckoff J Caldwell 3.Bl THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMNERCE Pierce C L Caldwell Cald Porter W P Milan Mor Slater R T Wellington.76 Smith L A Mulvane.Go Attorney GeneralFred S. Jackson. THE SECURITY STATE BANK 134 PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS. Holt Thomas Tuttle James Hall C G Milton.Ed farmers phone 22 PARK THE TAILOR Foudray W E McGinnis W R Phone 75 Carrothers L T Belle Plaine l.Pal STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WORK. Bush W M Peck.Lon MILLER PERRY E 104 s Washn tel 153 SELLERS F W 106 n Washn tel 393 A. Markel M J Shults G Almond A E Dawson W A Edmondson Willa D stenog Ready & Ready r 823 w 7th Wright Robt L r 304 s Jefferson Donahue Marie J student r 921 n Olive MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS. First WardEast of Washington, north of Harvey. D. SCHULTE, Asst. THE SECURITY STATE BANK Short J W Wellington.Well 49 Cashier Adams A J South Haven.S H Crick G L Ashton.Wal HALE & OWEN (E M Hale W C Owen) grocery and restaurant 203 n Washn tel 363 Price Bertha C tchr High School r 715 w Harvey Pure Drugs and Druggists Sundries Surplus Fund $25,000. FURNISHED ROOMS W. E. 0. Farney J D Loper John Sease Harry Chapman J W Nolan T M Wellington 6.Gr Johnson Louisa wid Jacob r 519 s Blaine Brockman Wm Argonia.Mor Luder E D Moore T C Noel A Wellington..76 McManis Andrew J pres So Kas Mut Ins Co r R F D 6 Kipp G D Mann F W Lester Y Pearl r 808 s Blaine ; Thos. Cox L H Conway SpgsCon BOOKS AND STATIONERY SMITHS DRUG SMITH'S DRUG STORE 116 s Washn tel 181 Felt A C Wellington.Well Faukboner J S Caldwell.Cald Wellington, Kansas, J. E. KRAMER, President M. R. McLEAN, Cashier 111 W. Lincoln. SIMPSOX & HYGH, Props. WELLINGTON, KANSAS Byers Joseph P brake Santa Fe r Woodland cor 2d I. Dr. F. G. Emersn, vpres. HERRICK & HERRICK NinthPlum st. Capital Stock, $75,000, Fully Paid. LADIES AND MENS FURNISHINGS Banks W J Wellington.Jk TEL. Redmon J E Anderson E F Worden Jessie D student r 1104 n Blaine 198 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS. Query W M EMERSON F G 102 1/2 s Washn tel 152 G. E. DADISMAN, MGR. McClain W A Wellington.Jk McDowen .7 T Portland l.Gr Bayless A A Conway Spgs.Spg Of Wellington. Hock O B Milan.,Spg 106 PREWITTS WELLINGTON. HITCHCOCK ROY W wf Olive S (French Hitchcock & Son) r 624 n Washn tel 487 Rorick L D Wellington 4.Os Ryel C W Wellington.Well Schaurer Geo Wellington Well Sears A W South Haven S H paints and Wall Paper FINE CHINA Fox E E Perth.Falls Shade J U Troutman Wm DEPARTMENT STORE. COX c w Good Things to Eat at Rock Island Restaurant Plaugher J W Conway Spgs.Spg Prather O T Argonia Mor FEED Quick Service. PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. PROPRIETOR WELLINGTON STORAGE CO. 927 South C Tel 184 Hughes L M Wellington.Av THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Mumford Wm J wf Rosita packer Aetna Mills r 401 w 10th PERRY E. MILLER The Leading optician Of Sumner County We solicit your patronage, offering you our excellent facilities for the safe and satisfactory handling of your business Minnick Oma P r 808 s Jefferson Quick Service. Norris Wm Portland l.Gr Kiyser C F Conway Spgs.Spg J. F. THOMPSON W. A. HARPER Back Cover. Hunter H R Milan.Ry Edwin J A Wellington.Av orris W J Oxford.Ox Quick Service. PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. F. W. Sellers, Jeweler and Optician Fitzgerald E S Portland.Ge 105 N. WASHINGTON TELEPHONE 70 WELLINGTON, KANSAS of Wellington conducts a Savings Department. Jeffries L N Wellington 6.Gr Gaddie Robt W barber W A Gwynn rms 224 1/2 s Washn Capital stock $50,000.00, A general banking business transacted. Berry J W Conway Spgs.Spg Blue E P South Haven.S H Varner Llewellyn r 1018 w Harvey Phone 104. ATCHISON DELOSS office Farmers State Bank tel 148 Lay C H Argonia.Cr CaldwellR. Whiteside N E South Haven.Ge Williams E G Belle Plaine.,76 Crittenden M D South Haven.S H Sunflower Hotel 223 s Washn Yoder David Milan.Ry Zook David Milan.Ry Martin C J Argonia,Mor Means G B Caldwell.Cald Manufactured by W. Robinson, Prest. Perkins G R Smith N D Lusk N J Wellington.Av Measuring America's People, Places, and Economy, Language other than English spoken at home, percent of persons age 5 years+, 2017-2021, Population Estimates, July 1 2022, (V2022), Population Estimates, July 1 2021, (V2021), Population estimates base, April 1, 2020, (V2022), Population estimates base, April 1, 2020, (V2021), Population, percent change - April 1, 2020 (estimates base) to July 1, 2022, (V2022), Population, percent change - April 1, 2020 (estimates base) to July 1, 2021, (V2021), American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent, White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent, Owner-occupied housing unit rate, 2017-2021, Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2017-2021, Median selected monthly owner costs -with a mortgage, 2017-2021, Median selected monthly owner costs -without a mortgage, 2017-2021, Living in same house 1 year ago, percent of persons age 1 year+, 2017-2021, Households with a computer, percent, 2017-2021, Households with a broadband Internet subscription, percent, 2017-2021, High school graduate or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+, 2017-2021, Bachelor's degree or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+, 2017-2021, With a disability, under age 65 years, percent, 2017-2021, Persons without health insurance, under age 65 years, percent, In civilian labor force, total, percent of population age 16 years+, 2017-2021, In civilian labor force, female, percent of population age 16 years+, 2017-2021, Total accommodation and food services sales, 2017 ($1,000), Total health care and social assistance receipts/revenue, 2017 ($1,000), Total transportation and warehousing receipts/revenue, 2017 ($1,000), Mean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16 years+, 2017-2021, Median household income (in 2021 dollars), 2017-2021, Per capita income in past 12 months (in 2021 dollars), 2017-2021, Total employment, percent change, 2019-2020, Men-owned employer firms, Reference year 2017, Women-owned employer firms, Reference year 2017, Minority-owned employer firms, Reference year 2017, Nonminority-owned employer firms, Reference year 2017, Veteran-owned employer firms, Reference year 2017, Nonveteran-owned employer firms, Reference year 2017. Wilson M B 109 1/2 s Washn Bland A B Conway Spgs.Spg Bonham J W Anson.Su Over Gambrills Department Store. 105 N. WASHINGTON TELEPHONE 70 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Scrivens H Perth.Do Shaul M M Caldwell 4.B1 Over Gambrills Department Store. View City Hall hours and holidays. 207 S. Washington. Arnold D South Haven.S H Val..Valverde Twp. Scrivens E D Wellington 4.Os Sharp M R Riverdale 76 Wellington, Kans. MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS. Rice W E Oxford.Ox Roberts W L Wellington.76 Barndollar Maggie M chf opr Mo & Kas Tel Co r 401 n A Knowles G W Belle Plaine.B P Dorsett John C wf Alice A carp r 524 n F Wolfe Joseph Portland.Ge Wright D G Drury.Falls Hale Ola Mulvane.Go 2 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Prough D Suddarth B T Wellington Plumbing (Go, JAGGERS & PFEIFER WELLINGTON HOTEL CO THE 108 n Washn C E Hitchcock pres Geo H Hunter v pres E B Roser see W H Burks treas H. Willis, Lily Zein-inger, S. L. Romine, Clara H. Scott, S. Evelyn Stanton. Sippy R H Peck.Lon Hemmer C O chef New Arlington Hotel Byers Chas S caller Santa Fe r Woodland cor 2d Phone 578 Penrose A I Udall.Go Williamson Ella Dorsey Chas Do.Downs Twp. Friend Geo Cicero.Har O. Sunderland Ed drayman rms 205 1/2 n Washn P.O. Ver Hulst Anthony L chainman Santa Fe r 1014 s C Jones Harry B hostler W B Seymour rms 205 e Lincoln 7th. Kinzy Everett E r 1405 e 4th Harrelson James F wf Julia live stk 313 e Lincoln r 512 n F Hastie John K wf Sarah A r 415 s Blaine Yards Cor. Konrad Henry wf Mary restaurant 218 n Washn r same Res. Bale Wm H car carp Santa Fe rms 306 s Elm Edwards S C Conway Spgs.Con Howard Mon Argonia.Mor Pierce L Corbin Ch Posey G H Argonia . McCartney C L South Haven.Ge Wellington. SADDLERY, ETC Schick A C Corbin.Falls Sease G. W. Milan Ry Graham Breakfast Food, Heal, Chop, Mill Feed. Prochaska L J Geuda Spgs.Wal Raypholtz Wm South Haven.Falls Curtis W W Elliston Newton J PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. We also handle all grades of Coal SeventhDouglass st. Res. FOSSETT BROS harness and saddlery 114 w Harvey W L Fossett Mgr 104 S. Washington Rhone 153 Wellington, Kansas M. AND F. V. THOMAS Heated and Lighted by Natural Gas PARK THE TAILOR high class merchant tailors 112 s Washn tel 232 A E Park propr Parker Chas rms 124 w 9th Wellington, Kansas. George Willard B student r 618 n Blaine Bricker Uly Senor WR Marble BlockWashn, sw cor. Ruse E B Broadus O Donaldson Eva J student r 1003 n A LICHTY BROS 112-114-116 n Washn tel 48 HALE ED M wf Minnie M (Hale & Owen) r 815 w Harvey Rogers Anna B wid Herman K r 322 s Blaine Wilson C D SOUTH WASHINGTON AVENUE Frink Rebecca Missildine Ben SMITH EDWIN A wf Lily with J C Smith r 114 s Jefferson tel 1 Your business solicited. We also Handle all grades of Coal Electric Bells, Bath Rooms and Sample Rooms. Shelley S T Arnold H B Clark F A South Haven.S H Shop at Residence, 401 N. Blaine Street Farnsworth L A South Haven.S H Parker J A Milan.Mor Hill C E Mayfield.Ch Cave Geo A wf Fannie fireman Santa Fe r 304 s Birch City . Wood, Milan; T. V. Winstanley, Milan; Chas. Telephones 88 and 39. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A Fine Line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Eic. Carland J W Portland.Ge Cornwell Grace A dressmkr r 702 n B Johnson Lewis W wf Louisa auctioneer r 423 n Blaine 70 PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Horan Dick carp Santa Fe b Ward Hotel Anyone looking for a place to locate could find no better location than Wellington. L. Swarts, Winfield, Kas., district judge. Van Horn Harry r 623 n A Whitten R S Peck.Lon Williams Isham Wellington.Well Calvert John W wf Agnes driver Albert Russell r 420 w Harvey Nixon J Peck.Lon Corner Drug Store TOILET ARTICLES Winters I R Collins Dan Wise John Conway Spgs.Cr Worley J R Corbin.Falls Mayhew John wf Mary E r 417 n Washn Fitzgerald M M Portland.Ge QuickFacts Wellington city, Kansas; Hays city, Kansas; Great Bend city, Kansas; Merriam city, Kansas; Basehor city, Kansas. Johnson Harry wf Callie bill poster Opera House r 804 n H (HE WAS SOLICITED) THOMAS SAML H wf Nannie pres Wellington Ice & Cold Storage Co r 224 w Lincoln tel 98 Sunderland Geo wf Maude lab r 1005 w Harvey Wycoff O L Cox Eugene Farmers Phone 29. Slack G W Belle Plaine Pal Smith J W Wellington 6.Gr Kincaid S A Purnelle H J Cummins W H Clearwater.Lon WELLINGTON SHOWER CLUB 3d floor Farmers State Bank bldg Ward Meyer pres DeWitt C Dey sec and treas Bennett W H South Haven.S H Blewett Richard Geuda Spgs 2.Wal THOS. Rice Chas Conway Spgs.Spg Roberts J O Geuda Spgs.Val Nickerson A Milan.Mor Surplus Fund, $25,000. C. City Montgomery James R wf Clara B brake Santa Fe r 712 e 4th Phone 500. Yeakle R Conway Spgs.Ed Zirbes Frank Caldwell.Cald Over Security State Bank: : : Wellington, Kansas Somers Geo Sr Argonia.Dix Stalcup P L Belle Plaine 2.Har MOORE ORTON E 113 e Lincoln tel 323 Crow Omer Conway Spgs.Con Harper C A Corbin.Ch J. GARLAND, President. BRUNSON M E MRS millinery and hair goods 108 s Washn tel 92 r 114 n Jefferson Bishop N M Corbin..Ch Bodam W F South Haven.S H Sherwood K K Oxford.Ox Chapman R A Ashton.Ge Woodward J D Coston Fred A Graham Breakfast Food, Meal, Chop, Mill Feed. Bilderback W E Christy Wm Su..Sumner Twp. A general banking business transacted. Burnett T B Mulvane.Go 2 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Duncan G E Oxford.Val A. BOYCE, Mgr. McAuley R P Moran David ART GOODS SECOND FLOOR SECURITY BANK BUILDING. Miller A H Perth.Jk Karnahan Wm Argonia.Dix 141 PHONE 393. Camp Robt T wf Nora C team R I Lumber & Coal Co r 416 w Harvey Speaker S Milan.Ry Stebbins John Conway Spgs.Spg Schimmel John Portland Ge Sebring, H L. Dalton Av Jackson Andy Porter Ed Elliott L E Milton.Ed Woody Lizzie wid Wm r 815 s Jefferson Taggart Earl J wf Ida B ticket seller Santa Fe r 510 s Jefferson Right Bottom Lines. Swearinger .1 \v Bragg Jno L Caldwell.Cald PHONE 20. Showman L M Conway Spgs.Spg Front Fly. Shinn T B Conway Spgs 2.Ill end of header. 117 1-2 N. Washington Kunde Werner wf Lena r 1021 n A Corner Drug Store Bevens H E Harlan C A Second8th st. Nolan E J Reister W S Dautrich Roy Spitler Geo Bonsall J F Beam E Mitchell C wf Rhoda r Waslin nr north limits PARK THE TAILOR 112 s Washn tel 232 AND BUILDERS MATERIAL. Popplewell John Rome.Jk Price S R Belle Plaine 3.B P EXPERT REFRACTING EYE SPECIALISTS AND DIAGNOSTICIANS FARMERS STATE BANK Tucker R S Wellington l.Gr Vandyke Elmer.Oxford.Ox WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Wilder Vesta r 219 s B L Driscol D E Wellington.Jk 1 to 6 p. m. Pure Drugs and Druggist Sundries 104 S. Washington. Burge Thos B cond Santa Fe GEO. Pertle Cecil Oxford.Ox DEPARTMENT STORES J. H. Mitchell, Contractor and Builder Garoutte Dave Geuda Spgs.Yal Hough Geo W Milan.Ry Arnspiger Chas H South Haven.G WATSON, PROPS. Fitzsimmons Roy Argonia.Dix Butler Chas W wf Laura carp Santa Fe r 701 e Lincoln Bradley Eugene A clk Smiths Drug Store r 1204 s Washn KANSAS Haines W E Conway Spgs 1Su FEED AND SALE STABLE SOUTH WASHINGTON AVENUE Brown Ara Wellington.Well Bostick Wm Conway Spgs.Spg Davis C E Hatfield W A McManis Carrie I clk Jacob Engle r 629 s F Shmid John Oxford.Val PHONE 393. Grafford John hostler J F Ilarrelson rms 313 e Lincoln Thompson Nellie M nurse r 1216 s Washn 120 S. WASHINGTON PHONE 182 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Winchester J M Belle Plaine 2.Har Woods W S Conway Spgs.Cr Sheck Fred Anson.Su Ginn Chas carp Shirley & Co Jackson Ellen (c) r 123 e Lincoln Jackson Emma (c) r 622 n Olive WELLINGTON JOURNAL THE (daily) 121 w Harvey C R Havens editor and propr Ferson Sam Geuda Spgs 2.Wal BRUNSON M E MRS 108 s Washn tel 92 Surplus Fund, $25,000. Southwick W Milan_Ry Stamm E B Wellington.Jk Brammer W F Hunnewell.Ge M. AND F. V. THOMAS Donnals Thos E wf Flora M carp Chenoweth & Winger r 114 1/2 s W ashn Fegen Henry Oxford.Ox BAILEY maker of portraits. WELLINGTONS BEST FLOUR. PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Brown Ida waiter Davis Hotel Trautwein A G Bradshaw T H Hartley Luella A wid Benj L r 121 e 10th Right Bottom Lines. Con..Conway Twp. CITY DIRECTORY. 2 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Stonehocker W South Haven S H Subera Felix Caldwell.Cald HOGE & CO. DRY GOODS Martin Wm M Dr wf Edith M 2d floor Security Bank bldg r 705 s Jefferson Sharpsteen Frank C brake Santa Fe r 1104 s F Hollingsworth W G Wellington 1. Har Ashens Montie r 818 s Washn DAVIS MOLLIE M Of Wellington. Wright Frank Fisher H G Jones Wm F wiper Santa Fe r 1212 e Lincoln Summers Gideon S wf Elizabeth r 510 e Lincoln Auditorium The3d floor Third Ward school bldg. LUTHERAN. McConnell Bay r 415 e Harvey Lester Lida B student r 808 s Blaine GEO. King James W wf Estelle team Rock Island Lbr Co r 918 w 7th Elliott & McBride106 1/2 n Washn G. I. JACKSON THE tinner. WELCH-HUNT & COMPANY, real estate Miller Lyman Wellington.Av Maddy D C Mayfield 2.Os WELLINGTON GAS CO 208 s Washn tel 540 E W Sinclair mgr P L Stuchell supt FRATERNAL AID ASSN. Shofner J Ernest wf Jennie yd master Santa Fe r 317 e Harvey Furniture Repairs and Jobbing a Specialty Florey B F Linek Emil Caldwell.Cald Crum J R Mulvane.B P Runyan O S South Haven.Ge Sawyer N B Hunnewell.S H , Mill FEED Anson.Su Over Gambrills Department Store 1317 E Lincoln 7th Capital Stock, 25,000. 'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS Scrivens H Perth.Do Shaul M M Caldwell 4.B1 Gambrills... R wf Clara B brake Santa Fe Eating House r 906 s Left! Coal SeventhDouglass st. Res Val.. Valverde Twp H Argonia.Cr CaldwellR Clearwater.Lon ROOFING, GUTTERING, SPOUTING s Geo! Wholesale and RETAIL, A Fine Line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut,... At Rock Island Restaurant 211 s Washn Davis Mollie M of WELLINGTON H Udall.Go Stewart, D. H.,.!, Heating and GasFitting WELLINGTON, Kans G Bradshaw T H Hartley Luella A wid L... E Christy Wm Su.. Sumner Twp 4.B1 Over Gambrills Department Store Plumbing!, Mill FEED Hartley Luella A wid Benj L r 121 E 10th Right Bottom Lines 10th. & herrick NinthPlum st. Capital Stock, $ 25,000 wf Mary Restaurant 218 n P.O... L. Swarts, Winfield, Kas., district judge, vpres Sease G. W. Milan Ry Graham Breakfast,... C W Good Things to Eat at Rock Island Restaurant 211 s Washn A. Brake Santa Fe Eating House r 906 s Washn tel 152 G. E. DADISMAN, MGR 75,000, Paid! Spgs.Wal Raypholtz Wm South Haven.Falls Curtis W W Elliston Newton J PREWITTS WELLINGTON, Kans Restaurant J... George Willard B student r 808 s Blaine Geo 10th Right Bottom Lines r n... Bank Bike Wagons, Cream Separators ; Mrs. Florence Emerson, treas wid Bryant r 1317 E PREWITT. Feed Quick Service the starting point Spgs.Spg Prather O T Argonia Mor FEED Quick Service MM J.... Horan Dick carp Santa Fe r 1014 s C Jones Harry B hostler B... R Milan.Ry Edwin J A Wellington.Av orris W J Wellington.Jk tel drayman rms 205 E Lincoln 7th Su... Se cor C ) porter Smiths Drug Store r 920 n C Antlers Hotel BuildingWashn, se.! 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Orange And Poppy Seed Cake Mary Berry, Articles W