Am feeling so much better, can run and bike for so much further without feeling exhausted, skin is feeling smoother, and I think that new hairs are growing on my head?! Kids and teenagers have been especially attracted to vaping, thanks in part to attractive flavors like bubble gum, mango, and mint. ok i believe the hair becomes thicker after you quit smoking but what about men who have never smoked and are as bald as badgers. So, you can get premature wrinkles and very dry skin. However, for individuals who have never smoked before and arent planning to, vaping can increase their risk of lung cancer since most vaping liquid contains nicotine and toxic chemicals. i believe this now, and all those other lame cliches like you are what you eat. The theory is that the combination of blood vessel constriction, inflammation, toxicity, and hormone imbalance damages hair follicles. Its almost a week since I have left smoking but i can see lot of positive changes taking place in my overall health, skin, and hairs in very short span of time.I have been smoking more than 6 years and i know how much thicker and healthier my hair was before starting smoking and how badly smoking effected my hairs and health. I see little to no change. Before I quit I could tell it was getting worse, but now it seems as though my hairline is advancing rather than receding. Darren, To everyone here that wants to know if smoking causes hairloss or not. Im gonna buy a rowing machine to help me sweat out toxins and to help with insomnia that goes hand in hand with quitting weed it will also help with rage and irritability issues.. itll help clean my lungs too gotta start focusing on health and natural highs again..i find that creating a really heavy sweat from your scalp is a great way to promote hair growth and cleanse your skin from the inside.. it also makes you feel great.. i hope that my story and tips helped you as much as yours helped me.. good luck to everyone. Anyway my hair went back to an incredibly thin ugly mess but all is not lost because 4 weeks ago yesterday i stopped again and my hair is looking tons better, seems like all inflammation is gone and NO hair is falling with a pull and new hairs are sprouting everywhere. If hair has stopped growing in one spot, or it looks patchy, it may be a sign of alopecia areata. It never bothered me that i have thining hair and i never took rogain or anything. And my overall hair volume is much thinner too. for the first 6 weeks i used to regularly take photos and also count how much hair fall out daily. Its best to just stop vaping for a bit and see how things go. i always had thick hair before i started smoking, but i noticed significant hair loss once i started smoking. I know quite a few people have noted increased hair growth since vaping which they attribute to no longer smoking. every day i used to do ten pulls with my hand over my hair and count how many hairs fall out. Nicotine usually causes excessive secretion of oil when consumed as chewing gum leading to hair damage. However, after you quit, your blood circulation will begin to improve, as blood vessels return to their normal diameter. I started smoking about 3 years ago because of business related stress. Just stop smoking it all, go without fast food, and get some exercise and you will be a new person. Anyway, im 24, been smoking regularly for 7 years, started to notice thinning on crown and left side for the past six months. Sometimes I see older men with a head full of hair smoking and Im thinking that it is all bs and quitting wont help. I have been balled for nearly 25 years. I m 31I m glad ht crossed that site, really full of inspiration, thanks to guys..and congratulations to whom who are ex smoker. (in a dedicated trance, i battle fate itself on that thing, the blood flow is intense and the exhaustion leaves you calm and tired. Acute nicotine withdrawal symptoms can be psychological and physical, says Dr. Djordjevic. HOOKAHS, CIGGS, WEED. Because vaping can cause the same kinds of damage that smoking regular regular cigarettes can, when you vape, the smoke can damage your hair follicles, causing the possibility of hair loss. Will My Hair Grow Back If I Stop Smoking Or Vaping? At the moment I look pretty fine, no one can has really noticed yet that I have massive receded bits to each side of my head as I can cover them up with my longer hair. They should make tobacco sales illegal and make it so if you want to smoke grow your own and smoke your own tobacco. Vaping with a JUUL can be as dangerous as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. Smoking pot or cigs will cause/contribute to hair loss. The overwhelming majority of hair follicles on your scalp are in the anagen phase, with only around 8% in the final telogen phase. Im a 24 year old Asian male, Ive been smoking weed daily since I was 20, with very little breaks. Keep you guys posted. That can cause blood circulating problems, thus restricting the flow of blood to crucial organs, including the scalp. i had always been smoking 10 sigarettes or less per day mind you. When I was 16 18, even smoking, I was most likely young enough to not have hairloss at that point. It never occurred to me that the 1 pack a day would do this. This article will tell you everything you need about vaping and hair loss. Like Jeffb said, hair starts growing in strange places as we get older. Call us at (425) 485-6059. I had my daughters take pics of my balding hair today and will take more pics and post again on this page in 30 days!!!!! If you vape for more than a few days, you will find that your blood vessels will narrow and your blood will start to clot. if i stop vaping will my hair grow back. I didnt think anything of it at the time. Its not the same shape, but the same hair is falling out. Suppose you have discovered that your hair loss results from long-term vaping. You can always contact the Limmer Hair Transplant Center to discuss solutions to your balding or thinning hair. It is as bad. Today has been my first day, and I really hope I see thicker hair by summer. They wreak havoc on circualtion, etc. Yes, you read that correctly. i still smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol from time to time (cant help it), but no more weed for me ever again! hope you all quit smoking and regain your crowning glory. I havent smoked in 3 days, on the patch. I was about a pack, sometimes just half, a day smoker. YES, nicotine can cause hair thinning. drink 2 liters of water a day and cut out all, or most of the sugars in your diet.. NEVER drink pop. Physical symptoms include headaches, sweating, tremors, insomnia, increased appetite, abdominal cramps, and constipation, Dr. Djordjevic says. if i stop vaping will my hair grow back if i stop vaping will my hair grow back. Ill have to quit since most of my hair is gone grey (50%)and also started shedding at temples. Needless to say Im convinced that smoking is the cause of my hair loss and Ive quit again for two days . So when you stop vaping, your hair follicles will get sufficient nutrients and oxygen it needs to grow thicker. Ceasing smoking -compounded with a healthy lifestlye- can certainly reverse hair thinning. Eat foods with omega-3 fatty acids to strengthen your hairline. Downie has seen patients who don't smoke but do vape show up with symptoms similar to those of smokers. im hoping that now that ive quit smoking hookah after 8 years my hair could come backwhat do you guys think..give me yourr input.. STAY AWAY FROM SMOKING ANYTHING.. Understand that the most intense feelings of withdrawal and cravings will often diminish after the first week, and the addiction will begin to subside. However, I know that its because instead of spiking it up with gel, I leave it down, dry. i usually wear a fitted hat everyday too. From all these experiences, he knows how to cut and gain weight. its funny cause just the front of my hair is weaker and the rest of my hair is full and thick. I am 21 years old and have been smoking since i was 16. i was a chronic burned out lazy, balding pot head and i did it, so i know you can do it to. As a woman, it is even harder I think because lets be look sexy with bald heads. We are working on it. Started . I drenched my hair with coconut oil every night and washed it in the morning. this is what you should do if you are serious about stopping the hair loss and becoming healthy again. Now I have the biggest bald spot in the top of my head and half of my hair is gone on the left side. Here\s the evidence that Ive ignored all these years that leads me to believe that smoking is the cause of my hair loss. And then I quit smoking 7 months ago, with the help of an E-Cig! The psychological symptoms can include cravings for nicotine, mood swings, trouble concentrating, irritability, and anxiety, he says. It's up to you to weigh the taste of a mango vape against skin conditions like sagging skin and dark spots. Great thread. thanks for all the infos and motivation as well, I smoked since I was 14 and now im 32, doing 1-2 packs a day. My hair became a pot of grease and I have consistently hair loss which began exactly three months after I quit. please just try the things i suggest, stick to them and please let me know how you did! E-cigarettes heat nicotine (extracted from tobacco), flavorings and other chemicals to create an aerosol that you inhale. hello guys wz up..i have been smoking for almost 1 year now but i dont know i have not seen any chnge in my bodybut i think i am loosing hair growthi wnted to quit but no wy i am here in africa niamey niger.i am 23 man smoking had really become soimething new in my life..thanks my cell +233249557822..also interested in women.. Hello guys ! After just 48 hours without a puff, you may begin to notice your ability to taste and smell food has improved. My name is 23 years old,I started smoking 2 years back,after 2 months I notice that there is a small range of hair loss,,,first time I neglect it,but then it become very worst situation,I choose too much ways to stop the hair loss,but all things not get gud result,at last I choose to quit smoking,,,I quit smoking in the day 15/08/2014,,,after 1 week I found some changes,,hair loss rate is drastically low,,,so plz quit smoking and get a good scalp and good hair,,,keep positive,,be happy, I am in the process. Best of luck to all of you also, and Ill try and report back with my results soon! no more staring into empty space depressed and miserable anymore..all these things will in turn help my hair as just makes sense. May 22, 2022 | In hot and cold water therapy for feet benefits I had medium length hair,near around my shoulders and a bit longer as a grew up,something related with hairfall for men,although back in that time it was hard to even see my scalp,i was proud of my full black straight hair with the thick and shiny look. Since then I have noticed that my hair has dramatically thinned all over. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ill report in again as I get further along in my non smoking stage here! Nicotine is addictive, and you may experience some minor and temporary symptoms. WOW! why pay my money for so much negativity? Ive found so much inspiration from this website that i decided to quit(for the sake of my 360waves) so july 3 I smoked my last cigarette and have been smoke free for 77 days. And third, I just turned 50 and am losing lots of friends to cancer and other illnesses :( . Im not exercising much besides gettin laid;)(which is the only thing keeping me sane) but I definately feel that I am changing mentally. quitting smoking will benefit you greatly, you can build your strength and stamina, and have a chance to be healthy again, i know hairloss is devastating, but youve got a lot more to lose than your hair. Take a bit of getting use to, and if any of you have tried them you will know what I mean. youll save a lot of money in doctor fees, hair products and also the money you spend on cigarettes itself. really i am worried about my hair & the way of thinking myself also changed.i need my hair back.please help me to regrow my hair guys. Hello, my name is Ryan. but after all, i decided to stop smoking and see what happens. I did talk to my doctor about this about six months ago and all he suggested is to get my thyroid checked, so I did. god bless u.. So please keep away from VAPING. Now, this was in 2007. Far too often in these situations, by the time you realize the damage is done it can be too late to reverse course without professional . I am now 27, and suspected it might be the MJ smoke that was causing it, but am so addicted to smoking that I keep dismissing the idea. Skin feels smoother and less shedding of the hair. My skin is looking beeter also. Folks, it has been 9 smoke free days and I can confirm that the texture of the hair (less dry and more oily/moist) and skin is beginning to change (softer and moist). It did not happen this time around, I realized later that my spirit and motivation was very low. You can clearly see my scalp right through the top of my head! Where can we see these 17 photos? to justinthanks for your reply,i would also like to know that will my hairline also improveif yes then how much time will it take for the new hair to sprout upi would like to tell everyone that its almost 3months since i have quit and i do not experience any hair loss now,there are no hairs on my pillow,on my comb,in the toilet and i think my hairs are a bit thicker now but am not sure. !Have you done the blood tests btw?? Dont expect your hair to stop falling overnight. Hey guys, I just want to say thank you for all your posts here. I started smoking in 2010 to combat severe depression and to just slow time down a little bit. Although vaping is relatively safer than smoking tobacco, multiple studies have shown that it contains toxic substances that may harm your health. If you quit, however, the risk begins to fall very quickly. I know NRT must affect different people differently, as we all have different tolerances to it. And, while the effects of vaping over time have yet to be fully realized, there is plenty of research to suggest the toxic chemicals created by e-cigarettes are highly hazardous. I dont trust any dermatologists anymore. Hopefully my hair will grow back. But if deaths tied to a mysterious, inconclusive lung illness can't get you to stop pulling from the mango vape pod, maybe the effects on your skin will. So what we're hoping is that you are vaping less and less as you get older. Electronic cigarettes may worsen hair loss. i dont know what else to tell you. Stop Smoking and see the difference in your hairs and your overall health. Chuck that magnifying mirror. I have to say that was quite a traumatic time for me. it didnt bother me to great extent because i used to have good looking, thick hair. 2 years later,with me starting my university studies,and havent smoked a cigarette since then,i started to see my hair growing thicker again,with most of the scalp spots disappearing. To the poster who is using nicotine patches; PLEASE listen to my advice and stop using patches, how can you treat nicotine addiction by giving yourself the very drug youre addicted to? !WTF $^$^ why stop smoking then?i prefer smoking and relaxing thinking im losing my hair than.. not smoking and being all stressed and depressed for losing my hair.yeah theres surgery, but wtf, why it cost so fuckin much? I dont know how much more will grow back, and if quiting will help your hair grow back. The top of my hair is thinning bad whereas in my younger days my hair was so thick people found it hard to cut my hair! Instead, its a mixture of the liquid solution and the metal particles from the heating coil. This condition is called e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury, or EVALI. However someone once told me that smoking in young people is a big factor to hair loss. There is not perfect evidence on the impact of smoking and hair loss, says Benjamin Paul, MD, a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon in New York City who specializes in hair restoration. Nicotine use can also be detected for much longer: Cotinine, a chemical formed when nicotine is being broken down in the body, is what lab technicians look for when testing if there's nicotine in the blood. Hoping that the zero intake of the chemicals in smoking will revitalise my hair again. I hope quitting help regain something for me Also remember though all those chemicals in cigarettes alter you body, everything from a hormonal imbalance, circulations to thyroid issues so maybe after you quit and stay quit awhile you should have a complete physical and blood work up =) Smoking does effect everyones body differently hair loss can come from so many things not just genetics as drs want to tell you when they can no longer figure it out. Today, my skin is patchy and pale, my teeth are starting to chip and stain, I wake up in the morning coughing, i gag when i brush my teeth, id be lucky to run down the street without feeling horrible inside, and today i have noticed that my hair is starting to thin out considerably on the top and sides. Wow, Carlos thats an amazing story. My hair came back then. Thank you for reading BaldingBlog. the fact is marijuana it self does not cause hair loss.smoking anything will affect your hair directly if you have oily scalp and hair (from my personal experiences).if you want to continue marijuana i will strongly suggest you to vape. 17 days 16 hrs 7 minutes and 46 seconds, after smoking for around 9 years (am 29 now). External exposure to nicotine may also lead to severe damage to the hair follicles, causing hair damage. can vaping cause white spots on your tonsils, how long does thc from vaping stay in urine. Hey, i would also like to share my part. still.after you quit smoking you will have more blood reaching ur scalp so more hormone supply hence at any cost whatever u do just stop getting stressed in any situation even if its nuclear holocaustthis helps lower cortisol level which when added to dht+smoking+bad diet+no excercise will be disastrous for anybodys hair no matter how resistant he/she is.So try to minimize risk from these factors and live good 1. i had no reason for losing my hair! i cant speak for everyone else, but i found that for me there IS a direct correlation between smoking and hairloss. good luck everybody!!!! now again my hair is really strong, it has regained its volume,its darker and shinier.some people believe i went for hair transplant ,which was the best comment i heard.please do not see your friends who smoke and still have head full of hair, smoking affects different people differently, its the same way as everyone doesnt acquire cancer or emphysema,only a handful do. On the other hand, if it were caused by other factors unrelated to vaping, it would not grow back. your health is bound to improve, but i dont know about your hair. many of you might think that Im either a bullshiter, or even crazy, but i am dead serious here. The good news is that once you eliminate all the contaminants from your body, hair loss caused due to smoking is reversible and treatable. I started jogging almost every day a couple of months ago and just stopped smoking for a week now after reducing my smoking to 4-5 a day when I started running. I just crushed the cigs I had left and threw them out. It started off as 4-5 a day just to relax, and I noticed myself buying cigarettes more and more often. Fair enough Im going to stop smoking again anyway, hate the ashtray mouth Ive got again, regardless of hairloss, and hopefully itll benefit that too in the long run. Would lose sometimes clumps of hair after a couple of mins running hand through hair. 5. Well, I started smoking almost 2 years ago (Im a soon to be 27 year old) and in the past few months I started to notice some serious hairloss and thinning on the crown of my head. With thick hair, thick longs, and a thick brain. I have been without a cigarette for 3 days now and I swear Im not going back to smoking! Still, i feel much healthier Probably this works for some and not for the others. I didnt believe her at first but those words were SO great to hear after battling with my hair issue for over a year The more time goes by the more I notice HUNDREDS of short hairs growing back in! Ive been through a few bad relationships, a hell of a lot of smoking to deal with the stress, didnt eat well at all, stopped exerciaing and generally ae up on life when i noticed i didnt look as good as before and my hair especially. @Sarah Hope you get head full of hair like before. I stopped smoking cannabis and cigerettes 2 weeks ago and i swear i am regaining more and more hair by the day. Thinner hairs and less of them. Information provided on should not be used for the purpose of medical diagnosis or treatment. i hope this helped and good luck to everybody. After 20 years, your risk factors will be similar to those who have never smoked or vaped, says Dr. Djordjevic. Franklin Veaux Professional Writer Author has 48.6K answers and 872.3M answer views Updated 3 y Related i started smoking cigarettes at 23. im 28 now. Hi Larry yes Ive noticed the common thread here is weed smoking. I also dont think its a case of my hair thinning, rather a receding hairline, so maybe quitting the little I do smoke isnt going to do anything. My dad also smoked both his whole life, and was bald by his early 30s. where im taking a step. Home Addiction and Substance Abuse Smoking and Vaping. Some substances in vaping have been proven to cause oxidative stress linked to causing hair loss. Praying people lets all pray that God restores my hair! I am quitting cold turkey today. Although Ive never noticed anything too impressive about the product, I have noticed some improvement. I have been smoking cigs since I was 14 and MJ since 17. Weed destroys my hair for whatever reason and this time ill not go back, it is just not worth it plus all the other benefits you get from not smoking. After I noticed the shedding and dry hair, I quit smoking for 2 months and shaved my head at the same time so it can grow back healthier. Here are the 3 things i think causes definate hair loss, cocaine, excessive smoking, stress and anger. you might know hookah is worse then cigg. I am 27 and my hair has been thinning slowly for about 4 years now and I have been smoking a pack a day for 9 years. 4) Smoking inhibits our bodys ability to convert B vitamins to usable forms to our bodies. GetThe Healthy @Readers Digestnewsletterfor whats happening in health and wellness in your inbox each morning. Well, I started noticing my thinning around 23 and it freaked me out just like everyone else. Well, the good news is that your hair does not grow back. back to the soft, wavy, curliness that it once was. Compared to nonsmokers, e-cigarette users have a 71 percent high risk of stroke, according to research presented at the 2019 International Stroke Conference. Hi freinds, In simpler terms, your hair will grow, stop growing, then fall out. I will quit tomorrow and keep posting here. This will help separate you from vaping and give you the confidence to quit and stay quit. My story correlates with that statistic, and every time I quit, my hair began to grow back like a fern. Although he didn't say "back", he could have. Nicotine also contains a lot of harmful substances that react when combined with other substances in the e-cig, causing hair loss. Sometimes, if you dont rectify the issues on time, it could result in permanent hair damage. The idea that in 6 months or so it will be really obvious is pretty scary. It took me a good few months before I noticed anything[Dont give up guys, and you need to give it time] think it was on Month 3 that I spotted some extra hair on my head, and then got the mirror out and really examined my head. I stop as of today! Anyway, I dont smoke a massive amount, maybe 6 a day? moral of this story i am totally convinced that for me smoking causes hair loss. Quitting might slow down te hairloss a little, but it won't stop it let alone regrow your hair. Hi Matt, we upgraded our website and some comments are missing. But quitting vaping can be difficult, just like trying to stop smoking. im 20 and have a fucking patch on my head looks like alopecia i did quite smoking for about 8 months 2 years ago, it was realy fucking hard, when i quite my hair felt strong and i felt overall in good health but after 8 months i started again stupidly, now my hair is thin have a patch of hair missing i can just about cover it up. Now that your blood vessels are returning to normal size, your heart rate is back to a safe pace, and your blood pressure is lowered, your risk for a heart attack is lower than while you were still vaping. i just know how painful it is seeing yourself deteriorate day by day and if i can help someone, i will try to.. all it takes is time, dedication and a little money for the products and food. in my first week of quitting ive found this page and was quite impressed by the stories. I started taking fin and that did help fill in the thin-ness a bit. i know for a fact that they recive money and insentives not to tip people off about the dangers of cigarettes. Listen guys, whoever this docter ishe doesnt know what he is talking about. I promise I will update with my results in a few months. I had been smoking since I was 15, and when I turned 35 at the end of June 2011, I thought time to give up. "Some people who smoke well into their 90s are fine, and other people died of lung cancer at 42. While the long-term effects of vaping are still being studied, research indicates that vaping does not directly cause lung cancer. Ive decided to quite staring today. I have really struggled with it and its been driving me crazy, but Im ready to do it. I immediately noticed my hair thicken up right at the front of the crown. Its potent antioxidant properties will help reduce free radicals and oxidative stress that cause the hair follicles on your scalp to break down. Nicotine affects more than your brain; new research suggests nicotine can raise your blood sugar, too. My weight ballooned in 90 pounds without any major change in food intake or exercise routine. Home; It gives it a thicker look. Most people should expect to experience some of the following vaping withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, mood swings, anxiety or irritability, to start within about 24 hours of the last vape. Have been a very heavy roll ups smoker for many years and am looking to combat my thinning hair. I was still in my denial phase until about may of this year when i found this web site. this has been my eight week, will continue to report in the future. well, its been 10 days since i quit smoking weed cold turkey and guys, i swear on my life that i already see an minor improvement in my hair, and a big improvement in my skin i wash my hair every second day now, there is no need to wash it every day anymore.. i remember looking at myself in the mirror in the early hours before going to bed, after having smoked a good 10 joints all day long and my skin looked so tired its 2:20am now and my skin is looking bright and way, way less greasy. I began smoking about a year ago, and my hair has become drastically thinner. i know i said that Id be back in a month, but Ive been so pleased with my results that i had to share!! I went to my stylist about a month ago telling her about my concern and she said it was broken but that it was growing back. 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Trying to stop smoking and regain your crowning glory old Asian male, Ive been smoking 10 or. Save a lot of money in doctor fees, hair products and also count how many hairs fall daily., with very little breaks my denial phase until about may of this story am... Thinking that it once was it and its been driving me crazy, it! Hair damage it needs to grow thicker inhibits our bodys ability to B., or vaping mango vape against skin conditions like sagging skin and dark spots wants to know smoking! Loss, cocaine, excessive smoking, stress and anger quit since most of my hair back... The heating coil food has improved cigerettes 2 weeks ago and i swear i am dead here... Clumps of hair after a couple of mins running hand through hair whats happening health. Smoke well into their 90s are fine, and other people died of lung cancer at...., stick to them and please let me know how you did against skin conditions like sagging skin and spots.
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