The list ofarguments taken by this function resembles what you have already seen before. Reversing the OnWaveData function will surely make things clearer. Official, documented Virtual Channels by Microsoft come by dozens: Non-exhaustive list of *Virtual Channels* documented by Microsoft, found in the FreeRDP wiki. Return normally. This article will not explain the Remote Desktop Protocol in depth. Instead, it is preferable to assess fuzzing quality by looking at coverage quality. Since we are covering a bigger space of PDUs, we are covering a bigger space of states. It needs to be adapted to our case, which is fuzzing a client in a network context. In case of server fuzzing, if the server socket has the SO_REUSEADDR option set like the following code, then this may case 10055 error after some time fuzzing due to the accumulation of TIME_WAIT sockets when WinAFL restart the fuzzing process. This way, I could have time to monitor which PDU was guilty and what exactly happened when it was sent. It turns out the client was actually causing memory overcommitment leading to RAM explosion. you are fuzzing 64-bit targets and vice versa. execution. As I was fuzzing CLIPRDR, I often had a problem in which my virtual machine would eventually freeze, and I couldnt do anything but hard reboot it. In Windows 10, there are two main files of interest for the RDP client: C:\Windows\System32\mstsc.exe and C:\Windows\System32\mstscax.dll. AFL/WinAFL work by continously sending and mutating inputs to the target program, to make it behave unexpectedly (and hopefully crash). By giving below options, fuzzing input can be delivered into target process memory. UDP is also supported to improve performance for certain tasks such as bitmap or audio delivery. Based onthe CFile::Open prototypes from theMSDN documentation, thea1 anda2 variables are file paths. Ofcourse, you need this value tobe somewhere inthe middle. Not using thread coverage is basically relying on luck to trigger new paths in your target function. The harness can assume this role by calculating and overwriting this BodySize field. Your target runs normally until your target function is reached. 2 = Quite satisfied with my fuzzing campaigns (but there might be more to fuzz). In this case, we are only fuzzing whats below Header in the following diagram. Fuzzing with 8 GB RAM showed funny things: RAM spikes in the Task Manager while fuzzing RDPDR. Init, WinAFL will refuse tofuzz even ifeverything works fine: it will claim that thetarget program has crashed by timeout. usage examples. Therefore, we will use DynamoRIO, a well-known dynamic binary instrumentation framework. Theres a second twist with this channel: incoming PDUs are dispatched asynchronously. more basic blocks than WinAFL, the state-of-the-art fuzzer on Windows. We took one of the most common Windows fuzzing frameworks, WinAFL, and aimed it at Adobe Reader, which is one of the most popular software products in the world. It is assumed that the target process will be restarted by an external script (or by the system itself). After experimenting with theprogram alittle bit, I find out that it takes both compressed anduncompressed files as input. Indeed, when naively measuring code coverage (the trace) in a multi-threaded application, other threads may interfere with the one of interest. . here for RDPSND). Our target will be a test DLL vulnerable with a stack-overflow vulnerability. However, due to the difficulties of obtaining dynamic execution information of IoT devices and the inherent depth of fuzzing tests, the current popular feedback-driven fuzzing technology is difficult . Sometimes strange stuff just happens, like WinAFL itself randomly crashing and stopping the fuzzing in the middle of a week-end or something. In this case, just reverse to understand the root cause, analyze risk, and maybe grow the crash into a bigger vulnerability. . Upgrading to 8 GB of RAM solved the issue, meaning the memory overcommitment was not as violent as in the CLIPRDR bug. This method brings two advantages. We cant leak much information remotely. To achieve that, I used from Lighthouse. However, understanding which sequence of PDUs made the client crash is hard, not to say often a lost cause. WTSVirtualChannelWrite(virtual_channel, buffer, length, "Exception Address: %016llx / %016llx (unknown module), "Exception Address: %016llx / %016llx (%s). I also got two CVEs in FreeRDP. Dont forget todisable thedebug mode! It has been successfully used to find a large number of vulnerabilities in real products. DynamoRIO sources or download DynamoRIO Windows binary package from WinAFL is a Windows fork of the popular mutational fuzzing tool AFL. In this article, I will address different fuzzing types and show how to use one of them, WinAFL. There is no guarantee whatsoever you will be able to reproduce the crash with this mutation only. winafl.dll DynamoRIO client, -DINTELPT=1 - Enable Intel PT mode. In this case: lie down, try not to cry, cry a lot. Some researchers collect impressive sets offiles by parsing Google outputs. The dll_mutate_testcase_with_energy function is additionally provided an energy value that is equivalent to the number of iterations expected to run in the havoc stage without deterministic mutations. Therefore, we dont have much choice but to perform blind mixed message type fuzzing (without thread coverage). When WinAFL exits thetarget function, it pauses theprogram, substitutes theinput file, overwrites theRIP/EIP with theaddress ofthe function start, andcontinues; and. We have to be extra careful with patches though, because they can modify the clients behavior. The CClipRdrPduDispatcher::DispatchPdu function is where PDUs arrive and are dispatched based on msgType. DynamoRIO provides an API to deal with black-box targets, which WinAFL can use to instrument our target binary (in particular, monitor code coverage at run time). Surprisingly, but most developers dont take theexistence ofWinAFL into account when they write their programs. This state machine may be subdivided in several smaller state machines for each channel, but which would remain quite complicated to characterize. Preeny (Yan Shoshitaishvili) Distributed fuzzing and related automation. Instead of instrumenting the code at compilation time, WinAFL supports the In the pessimistic case in which were fuzzing at high speeds for a whole week-end and mutations are 100 bytes long on average, thats 24 GB of PDU history. Lets say we fuzzed a channel for a whole week-end. Writing an undetectable keylogger in C#, What data Windows 10 sends to Microsoft and how to stop it. In this section, I will present some of my results in a few channels that I tried to fuzz. This takes plenty oftime, andyou can help theprogram alot inthis: who knows thedata format inyour program better than you? WinAFL is a Windows fork of the popular mutational fuzzing tool AFL. It is our harness which runs parallel to the RDP server. Send the same Wave PDU than in step 2: since, If we are performing mixed message type fuzzing, a lot of our. WinAFL will change @@ tothe full path tothe input file. The function CUMRDPConnection::CreateVirtualChannel answers our inquiry. For RDP Fuzzing, we need server agent to receive fuzzer input, and send it back to client using WTS API. AFL/WinAFL work by continously sending and mutating inputs to the target program, to make it behave unexpectedly (and hopefully crash). Heres the interesting piece: The out-of-bounds read is quite evident: we control wFormatNo (unsigned short). I edited frida-drcov just slightly to make the Stalker tag each basic block that is returned with the corresponding thread id. Since I am just looking for afunction tofuzz, I have tokeep inmind that it must take thepath tothe input file, do something with this file, andterminate as neatly as possible. When target function returns, DynamoRIO sets instruction pointer and register state to the saved state. Virtual Channels (or just channels) are an abstraction layer in the Remote Desktop Protocol used to generically transport data. It was found within a few minutes of fuzzing. DRDYNVC is a Static Virtual Channel dedicated to the support of dynamic virtual channels. Indeed, we find out there actually is length checking inside OnNewFormat. For RDPSND, we can get something like this. This class is designed to introduce students to the best tools and technology available for automating vulnerability discovery and crash triage with a focus on delivering a practical approach to finding vulnerabilities in real world targets. Too bad, custom_net_fuzzer works pretty slowly because it sends network requests toits target, andadditional time isspent ontheir processing. I thought it could be an issue with WTSVirtualChannelOpen specifically, so I tried with its counterpart WTSVirtualChannelOpenEx. but office don't have symbols (public symbols) which gives too much pain and too hard for tracing or investigating . Fuzzing should entirely happen without human intervention. Heres what our fuzzing architecture resembles now. At first, my virtual machine had only 4 GB of RAM, so death by swap (which we know of and are used to by now) would happen. In this case, modifying the harness to prevent the client from crashing is a good idea. Fuzzing is a battle against the binary, but it is also a battle against yourself. Thus, the two next steps are: With this in mind, I developed what I will call during the rest of this article the VC Server (for Virtual Channel Server). The program offers plenty offunctionality, andit will definitely beof interest tofuzz it. This strategy is what youd get by fuzzing the channel naively . I open theprogram inthe debugger (usually I use x64dbg) andadd anargument tothe command line: thetest file. In particular, DVCs can be opened and closed on the fly during an RDP session by the server. The following diagram attempts to summarize the fuzzing process in a very much simplified manner, and using WinAFLs no-loop mode. For this purpose, it uses three techniques: Lets focus onthe classical first variant since its theeasiest andmost straightforward one. Introduction In this blog post, I'll write about how I tried to fuzz the MSXML library using the WinAFL fuzzer. The stability metric measures the consistency of observed traces. AFLs mutational engine is not intended to work this way. I still think it could have deserved a little fix. Luke, I am your fuzzer. The target takes files as input; so, thefirst thing I do after loading thebinary into IDA Pro isfinding theCreateFileA function inthe imports andexamining cross-references toit. Here are some that are provided by Microsoft: In conclusion, both types of Virtual Channels are great targets for fuzzing. The answer lies in the Server Audio Formats and Version PDU. We now have a working harness and are pretty much ready to fuzz. Todo so, add the-debug parameter tothe arguments ofthe instrumentation library. In particular, they found a bug by fuzzing the Virtual Channels of RDP using WinAFL. Homemade keylogger. What is fuzzing So what is this no-loop mode, you ask me? CLIPRDR state machine diagram from the specification. WinAFL exists, but is far more limited such as having no fork server mode. However, thetopic Fuzzing Network Apps isbeyond thescope ofthis article. Aside from this engaging motive, most of vulnerability research seems to be focused on Microsofts RDP server implementation. For instance, in the CLIPRDR channel, messages are asynchronously dispatched to their handlers, and we dont want to break thread coverage. We set a time-frame of 50 days for the entire endeavor - reverse-engineering the code, looking for potential vulnerable libraries, writing harnesses and, finally, running the fuzzer . This means we cant use the -thread_coverage option anymore if we target DispatchPdu So we cant perform mixed message type fuzzing with reliable coverage anymore. The Remote Desktop Protocol provides multiplexed management of multiple virtual channels. It is opened by default. I was able to isolate the malicious PDU and reproduce the bug with a minimal case: It is a Lock Clipboard Data PDU (0x000A), which basically only contains a clipDataId field. Its use around the world is very widespread; some people, for instance, use it often for remote work and administration. If you haven't played around with WinAFL, it's a massive fuzzer created by Ivan Fratric based on the lcumtuf's AFL which uses DynamoRIO to measure code coverage and the Windows API for memory and process creation. WinAFL is a fork of the renowned AFL fuzzer developed to fuzz closed-source programs on Windows systems. If you are using shared memory for sample delivery then you need to make sure that in your harness you specifically read data from shared memory instead of file. The objective was to go even further, by coming up with a general methodology for attacking Virtual Channels in RDP, and fuzz more of Microsofts RDP client with WinAFL. If WinAFL will not find the new target process within 10 seconds, it will terminate. after the target function returns is never reached. I switch tothe Call Stack tab andsee that CreateFileA iscalled not from thetest program, but from theCFile::Open function inthe mfc42 library. It allows to copy several types of data (text, image, files) from server to client and from client to server. Perhaps multithreading affects it, too. This needs to happen within the target function so We have just talked about how DynamoRIO monitors code coverage; it starts monitoring it when entering the target function, and stops on return. "returning" via ExitProcess() and such won't work). Description is as follows. Your goal isto increase thenumber ofpaths found per second. After around a hundred iterations, the fuzzing would become very slow. More specifically, everytime a crash is encountered, WinAFL/DynamoRIO will now log the exception address, module and offset, timestamp, and also exception information (like if theres an access violation on read, which address was tried to be read). If guessing wont work, another possibility is to capture code coverage at the moment we send a PDU over the target virtual channel. The Remote Desktop Protocol is relevant now more than ever, having almost everyone started working remotely in 2020, and having Microsoft's Azure and Hyper-V platforms using it as the default remote connection protocol. Instead of: The following afl-fuzz options are supported: Please refer to the original AFL documentation for more info on these flags. When no more swap memory is left, the system becomes awfully slow and unresponsive, until happens what a few sources call death by swap or swap death. A team of researchers (Chun Sung Park, Yeongjin Jang, Seungjoo Kim and Ki Taek Lee) found an RCE in Microsofts RDP client. In this case, the harness just sends back the mutation it receives as it is (apart from some exceptions such as overwriting a length field, which we will talk about later). 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